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( ZION CITY, NEVADA, MONDAY, November 17 2021, 10:02 AM ).

"🎶 Last night at the show we saw him...going out of his tree...🎶 ".

"🎶 well you're walkin' and a talkin'... 🎶 ".

"🎶 YOU'RE MY WALKIE TALKIE MAN 🎶 !!! ", both Michael and his mother scream in unison as they sing along to ' Sterigram's Walkie Talkie Man ' playing from the car's radio.

James groans audibly from the backseat as his focus while observing moving traffic is broken yet again by these 2 family members, " what is with you 2 today ".

" oh sorry James, we just thought playing your favorite song  would get you excited for you first day at school ",  his mom says as she turned down the volume of the song,  still keeping her eyes on the road ahead.

Jamie chuckles and mumbled under his breath , " oh it was my favorite song until now...", his fingers tap the board from anxiety.

Mike rolls his eyes and turned back, " are you sure your super power isn't salt ".

" pfft...are we there yet ", he went back to looking out the window as the car was now going up the mountain path.

" very close actually ", Their mom replied as she swerved off the main road, aligning towards an empty path on the mountain's side.

" we're taking a shortcut! ", Mike informed him with a wide smile.

James gave him a look before looking back outside quick enough to see the car heading towards the face of the mountain, " hmm Wow wait That's Not-Gahhhhh !", he braced for impact with his arms and legs.

But instead of the car crash he expected, they just drive through the wall into a lit up tunnel with red brick walls.

His slowly quoted down and fades into a ".... Wha?!  ".

" no feet on the chair James ", their mother spoke calmly.

James slowly put his legs and arms down, his heart was pounding as his expression turned from fear to embarrassment upon realizing he had been screaming.

Michael started laughing, " oh man...that priceless look on your face...if only my glasses were electronic...turn ya into one of those internet cat videos ", he adjusts his glasses to see James frowning and breathing hard, " haha hey,  I freaked out too on my first day ", he gave him a warm smile then turned back forward.

James exhaled deeply and look around the walls of the tunnel as they drive through , " so... The school is eh underground?  ".

" not quite dear... ", his mom spoke up as the emerge out of the tunnel into a lush green space with a large building situated at the side of the mountain, " Paragon Academy is at the center of this mountain...almost on a artificial rift valley if you will ", she says and began to slow down as they near a parking lot.

James went silent as he was looking at the new environment beyond his window in awe. He didn't notice that the car had stopped until Michael came up to tap on the glass in front of him.

He blinked, " oh...yeah ", he strapped on his bag and push open the door to step out onto the pavement.

Their mom's window goes down and she says, " have a good day at school boys,  Michael watch over your brother okay? ".

" sure thing mom ", Mike placed an arm around his brother's shoulder to pull him close, James just grumbles.

" love you 2! ", she blew a kiss to them.

" love you mom ", Mike says back happily then gave the silent James a light squeeze.

" gah-love you too mom ", the younger boy yelped out.

Files From Zion City Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora