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( ZION CITY, NEVADA, WEDNESDAY, November 26 2021, 09:00 AM ).

" wake up honey... ", a soft female voice called out as a dark skinned woman gently shook a human sized lump under a race car themed blanket.

After some seconds, the is a lazy groan,  just before a yawning James stuck his head out from the covers. His hair messy and eye mask on his face that read ' if you can read this, then pi$$ off '.

" wake up James, you have school soon... ", Starlia said to her son in her usual calm tone.

" but...nooooo...",  Jamie whines in a groggy tone as he slowly sat up on the single bed, yawning again and taken off the eye mask, " you could wake the other brother first... ".

" Not this time honey... He already flew to school at 7 ", She replied and went to the open door, " breakfast is downstairs ", Starlia said, picking up a candy wrapper from the rug before leaving his room.

The sluggish teen let out another yawn and ran a hand through his bed hair, " ughhhh... ",  he groaned as he got out of his messy bed, the male was dressed in a large dirty grey shirt that reached his knees.

" oh don't forget to take your medicine! ", His mom yelled from downstairs.

" I know...I know ",  James replied back in a loud tone as he dragged his feet towards the bathroom .



After the usual trip to school, Jamie rushed through the busy hallway, trying not to bump into anyone on his way to class.

The teen stopped before a single door with a large 10, he checked his breath before entering in.

The large class room was fairly packed, most of two sitter desks were occupied with some his classmates.

" hey hey Jamie ! ".

The Alexander glanced to the side, spotting Mandy waving him over to the empty seat at her side.

Jamie strolled over, " hey Mandy, I see you are still trying to trigger epilepsy as always ", he chuckled upon seeing her bright multicolored punk style clothing.

" le gasp, it seems you have discovered my plan... ",  Mandy let out a fake gasp with a gloved hand on her chest to feign shock, James smiled and did a small eye roll, " anyways...come seat with me today Jamies! ", she coos.

" taken... ", a familiar voice said as another male took that spot.

" Cas get off !? ", Mandy glared at the pale male.

Casteline turned to her as he wore a brown beanie over his platinum mop of hair, " what in the....Were you mugged by crayons on your way to school? ", he looked her up and down again.

James coughed a laugh and Mandy let out a growl.

" give me a second and I'd make you see some colors all right... ", The female said darkly as she raised up a low glowing hand.

" No violence in the class Miss Amanda ", a bald dark man in a suit says from the teacher seat, in the front of class.

" aww Mr Bailey...guess you're off the hook for today Cas ", She mumbled to the shorter male at her side, who just shrug.

" speaking of people, have any idea where Hogan is? ",  Jamie asked his two teammates in a lowered tone.

" still complaining to the principal an Crowley on grounds of sabotage for placing two powerless students on his team ", Casteline replied sharply, somehow still managing to sound lazy.

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