Just- yeah

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I cry out in pain and fall to the ground, Tommy and Aiden swear and push me back into their strong grips and Felix leans in for a punch.

"Stop!" I beg

Chris kicks me sending me collapsing to the ground, I swear loudly and struggle to get up.

Their angry swears fill the air and I cry in pain.


"Get up" Aiden hisses in my ear and I gruffly try to stand on my shaking knees.

"You guys are crazy" I mumble

"You dared, you dared."

I hear a series of cries and look towards the gate to see that Emma has woken up, she was almost naked, the way I left her, but the boys didn't stop, instead they started punching me harder.

Chris left the group and Tommy crossed his Arms, while Aiden kept his strong grip on me.

Emma's prospective

I shivered in the cold, I felt pain, I tried to remember where I was before being here...

I opened my eyes and cried out in shock, I was half naked in the middle of who knows where.

I see a blurred boy in front of me.


"Ill carry you" I hear his voice

"no, gracias" I mutter, Than blink. {no thanks}

When did I start speaking Spanish?

"When did you start speaking Spanish?"

Stop echoing my thoughts Chris.

"No lo sé" I mutter {I don't know}

I think I lost my ability to speak English.

"What's wrong Chris?!" I hear a voice yell

Hmm, my guess, Aiden.

"ayuda!" I scream {help}


I open my eyes and frown, stupid brain, why can't I dream of normal things?

What day is it anyway?

I take out my phone and quickly scroll through my nofis-


So, school got canceled for a week..

And I didn't know that why?

So.. last time I went to school was the day the boys bought me to winter wonderland, Than I got beat up in the night after that, Than I took a bath to try and hold myself together, Than family gathering day, leading to this day-

Three days passed.

I have seven days left.

I get out of bed and grab my already packed bag, i opened it and shoved all the money I've been collecting into it, Than I walked around my room and scanned it.

I should do it.

I shouldn't

But I should

It will make things worse

I need to know myself better


I put my phone in and my charger, Than rummaged through it-


I took another bag from my closet this one relatively bigger and stuffed as much clothes and possible into it.

I change into a black jumper with the words "self taught sarcastic" sprawled across it in white letters and some irregular skinny jeans.

I change into a black jumper with the words "self taught sarcastic" sprawled across it in white letters and some irregular skinny jeans

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I felt rather empty As I made my way Down the stairs and into the sunny but empty outside.

I walked down the street looking at my feet as I did so-

I was seriously doing this

"Feeling used
But I'm
Still missing you
And I can't
See the end of this
Just wanna feel your kiss
Against my lips-"

I sing softly as I hear the soft click of my black shoes against the sidewalk, I had to try and understand myself, what makes me break, what keeps me strong, why am I like this? How do I fix it?

Yes, this is right, it's not like I'm running away and never coming back..

"Sunset, come on"

I don't even glance up at the voice and I hear the girl he was was referring to mutter a ok.


Ughhhh, it's.not.fair!

I'm glad I managed to update, but like my stupid stomach keeps hurting and I feel like I'm going to be sick.

So like I'm sorry if it seems like a weird chapter.

Like- OH F*CK NO.

Por qué mi estómago tiene que ser tan perra?

Por qué estoy hablando en español?

Ok I'm going to go cry in a corner, curse in Spanish, and hate my stomach for torturing me with it's pain.

Oh yeah- color in the star and send me all your comments, cause like I really need a cheer up :)

K bye

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