Tommy, i'm big

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Please be careful to check to order of this chapter just so you don't miss the one before, wattpad is lagging weirdly for me so please tell
Me what chapter your reading this as, cause it keeps changing the order or something. If this this chapter thirteen and not the correct chapter ( which is twenty) Order please tell me.

"Why wouldn't we tell them?" I hear Felix ask as Aiden rubs some cold cream on my back that he conveniently had in his pocket.

"Please?" I ask pleading them mostly with my ocean blue eyes hoping they won't tell my dear brothers.

No can resist my puppy eyes.

"I'm going to kill them" they repeat without Aiden joining in.

"Please don't" I mutter

"Why is your back so scared?" I hear Aiden ask me

I breath heavily looking for a lie to tell them.

I can't tell them that these scars aren't only misters, I can't tell them about the fact that I hurt myself too, that I cut myself.. maybe not in my hand but still..

I try to think of a good excuse, I try to stay hiding in my hole my sarcastic attitude hiding it perfectly.. I feel a lump in my throat and I take a deep breath, I simply cannot break in-front of them, my fake smile doesn't waver and my heart feels heavy as I blink back sudden tears as the picture of me hanging flashes before my eyes and ringing voices fill my Brain.

"Do me a favor and die" he says his hand on my neck.

"P-please" I beg hot tears falling down my eyes as he breaks me.

He broke me before and he won't stop.

I try and gasp for breath but I cannot my throat is blocked and I'm going to die.

He drops me and I gasp desperately for breath, sweet sweet oxygen.

He smiles as he see's me broken on the floor, he must feel so accomplished seeing me beg, I don't beg, I stayed strong.. for long. I kept not accepting the fact that I will live slaving for this cruel man for the rest of my life.

I hear laughs and see his daughter and son, the twins, she's laughing.

Why isn't he laughing?

His father leaves me on the ground as I weep
And goes to help his daughter get ready for school, oh how I wish I could go to school, learn and make friends.. I remember school before.. it was fun.

They leave but his son doesn't.. What is he going to do to me? Please.. please no.

He slowly walks up to me and a flash of concern is seen in his hazel brown eyes.

I slowly get up shakily, I put up my brave facade in seconds.

"How old are you?" He Asks out of the blue

"I ain't a kid for you to pity, I'm seven" I say a ting of proudness in my voice.

He laughs "I'm eight!"

"Not fair" I pout taking my apron off the floor and tying it to my dirty skirt.

"I'm older than you" He says

"I'll be eight soon!"I go feeling hurt, I was big! It isn't faaaaaair.

"How soon?" He mocks

"I don't know" I mutter feeling angry at myself for loosing track of the time I spent here.

He frowns suddenly "what' my father doing to you? Why are you here?" He Asks

"I don't know, but I'm big, I can handle him!" I say pressing the subject, I'm not a kid!

"But why?"

I frown confused, biting my coral pink lips.

"He Said I need to pay, I told him I didn't get my pocket money yet and he told me I shouldn't play dumb, which hurt! I really didn't get my pocket money! I didn't!"

He presses his finger to his lips and he thinks

"But be hurt you!" He says eyes wide "your bleeding! B l o o d!"

I giggle "I'm supposed to bleed blood!"

"Your not supposed to bleed!"

"He says that I'll pay until.. I forgot! Oh no I'll be in trouble! I didn't now what's after until!" I start panicking and I cry a little worried.

He puts his hand on my neck and gently touches the bruises.

"What's your name?" I ask

"Tommy" He says

"Oh, why?"

"I don't know, dad said my name's tommy but I have three names! Tommy, Thomas and Tom!"

I gape it him "not fair! I want three names too!"

"Does it hurt?" He says as he touches a bruise and I flinch

"A little" I mumble

I felt surprised... it was a first time.. I usually remember bad things but this time it was a good flashback, I miss tommy... I wonder what he's doing know.

I felt happy, the universe smiled at me.. instead of breaking me like all the other flashbacks it fixed me and I'm grateful.


Oh frick I ship them, I ship them so bad!

Tommy and Emma are just adorable together

Anyway please vote if you liked the chapter it encourages me to keep in writing!

Comment too!


Thank you Tessa for this cover!

Thank you Tessa for this cover!

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Love you guys!

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