The den of torture

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I hate waking up, and school/ the den of torture makes me do just that, it makes me get up from my comfortable bed, so when my mum told me to get up, I didn't.

Simple as that, I wasn't ready to face a day of telling teachers my name again and again and dealing with a bunch of students. So I just slept on. I liked my dream, though I can't remember it... I think I liked it...

So I snuggled more in my comfortable bed, maybe my mother would just leave me sleeping...

A flying giraffe soared in the sky, hitting a large glowing ball of fire, and burning into ashes, its ash falling out of the galaxy.

A mirror popped out of the total blackness I was in, showing me my reflection.

I was wearing a... neon yellow night gown with frills and brown pocka dots everywhere and a burger with a fly hovering on top of it?

The ashes of the giraffe started forming a... hippopotamus?

I blinked, and my night gown stared melting of my body, I heard Woolf whistles, ringing in my ears as I covered my body with large skyscraper sized glasses...

A exaggerated green blue handed me a black crop top and ankle length jeans, which I refused and started sobbing over my pocka Dot catastrophe.

I woke up screaming, my brother put an ice cube down my back,


"Why the heck did you put a ice cube down my-"

"You're going to be late for school!" Leo said

So I grunt, and try and go back to sleep.

"Mum made waffles, she put Oreo ice cream on top and drizzled on melted chocolate, it's still warm... sure you want to miss out on-"

I jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen, my need for this diabetes-bringing breakfast was enough to boost my energy past the roof.


I walk into school, already lost. I decided to go for sweatpants and a top, first day last day, these opinions ain't doing me no harm.

I finally reached my locker and was just about to open it when my supposed cousin attacked me.

How am I supposed to know? The amounts of relatives I have is enough to fill the whole school!

"Hey" she says, causally and politely enough. "How are you?"

'Fine' I lie, why would I open up too a practical stranger? Why would I confess all my problems and talk about my flaws to someone I just met? Nobody is really 'Fine' everybody has at least one problem in their life, no one can deny it- it's true.

No one has a perfect life.

Who even says "how are you?" Anymore?

She was just about to open her mouth when her peppy Little freind greets her.

"OMG, boo, you won't guess what happened! Micheal jordet gone single! That nerdy little goody two shoes he fell so madly in love with and protected with his every being died in a car crash yesterday! Isn't that like the best news you've ever heard?"

I gave the two my middle finger and stalked off, nothing makes France any different than my other cousins.

I seat myself in the only Chair left, while the teacher explained... I dunno what she was ranting about, she looked very frustrated though.

The teacher sat down, which was my cue to stop listening and start drawing.


I don't look up, THEY NEED TO LEARN.

What's wrong with Emma? Can't they just say Emma? I don't see how they can mishear "Emma" to be "Emily" just no.

I drew a doughnut with tiny little unicorn sprinkles on them, smiling to myself, I started doodling a drink.


Ok that was short but... yeah I don't have any excuses.

I think readers like bite sized updates so, yeah, that'll be my excuse.




Ailani Maubee

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