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I stare at the ash white ceiling and licked my chapped and bleeding lips

"Little do you know, I need a little more time"

I should just forget about them, I shouldn't have been expecting a friendship anyway, most of my friends turn to my bullies so what should I care?

Stop trying to convince yourself, we both know that you care and cared, every time you lost a freind it hurt, it hurt a lot, but you should keep trying, for who knows? Had it be, maybe one of them could end up and your life long freind..

Stupid brain, I can't keep trying, every time you tell me the same dumb things, we both know that I'm going to hide, not onky from others but from myself too cause if I -

Why the Eff am I debating with my brain?

Clues that someone is insane: is talking to unliving and inanimate objects


I grab my phone and open the messenger app I use looking for the group chat the boys made.

Finding it I start typing, my typing is extremely fast and I make a LOT of typos, but autocorrect doesn't ONLY ruin lives.

"Someone Tell me a joke"

Surprisingly about five seconds after I sent it "Chris is typing.." flashes on the top bar.

"Are you tired?"

I blink confused, before typing a quick no

"No, why?"

"Because you've been running through my mind all day"

I rolled my eyes, typical Chris.

"Oh it's on"

I immediately opened google and searched "funny pickup lines" but before it could even load I got Chris's reply.

"For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on."

I frowned at how well the pick up line mixed with "oh it's on" and typed my reply.

"I know you're busy today but can you add me to your to-do list?"

Smiling proudly I leant back into my pillows and waited for his reply.

"If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?"

I rolled my eyes, and licked my still-bleeding lips before typing quickly.

"So basically you called me nothing.

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

I scrolled down the page while I waited for his reply, not finding a good pick up line that catches my attention.

"Even when there isn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you."

Poor boys, they're going to have their notifications full of pick up lines.

"But there is gravity on earth, so you can't fall for me

Let me tie your shoes, cause I don't want you falling for anyone else."

I check the bar and see the words "Aiden is typing..." on the screen, welp, goodbye.

But instead there's a message form Felix in the group.

"I'm going to be best man at your wedding, totally ship you guys BTW"

Even though I knew he wasn't serious I couldn't help but gag as if he just said the word "moist"

"you guys are so dead, you do realize Aiden is in the group right?"

I tap send and wait.

"My house at five"

I blink a Aiden's text, oh we are so in trouble.

"It's not my fault! I asked for a joke to cheer my moody a** up and instead ended up in a pick up contest!"

Ah yes, blame it on Chris.

Both Aiden and Chris's replies came at the same time.

(Aiden) "Who put you in a moody mood? I know you, you don't go all moody for nothing"

(Chris) "Heeeeyyy, you said "it's on!", I didn't declare the contest!"

oh come on Chris, just take the blame.

Soooo, Who should I reply too first?

"How do I know if you guys are acting like kids on purpose or if it's real?"

I burst into laughter at Aiden's text typing my reply fast.

"I have no idea myself actually"

Before Aiden or Chris could reply Felix's text pops on my screen.


Someone's moody.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be busy?" Comes my text trying desperately to change the subject, I can't have Aiden AND Felix be mad.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your "girlies"?" Comes Chris's

"Those b*tches ditched you haven't they?"

oh frick, Aiden, you know me too well.

So I decide to ignore the main point.


I sigh in frustration when my phone dies, stupid phone, it didn't even give me a 5% left warning!


I was in a rush making this chapter but I'll edit it later.

Comment and vote if you think it deserves it.

Ailani maubee

Lost Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora