I fell for the act

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Tommy's prospective
(A/N: yay or nay?)

She looks up at me and instantly builds a wall.

She rolls her eyes- her eyes where still red and puffy and her cheeks still tear stained, but I could see how people fell for her act, how I fell for her act.

"You just remembered my name? God help
You" she says failing completely her voice was still tender and broken..

She was broken

She smiles and I flinch

"Don't hide behind that smile"

"I smell Aiden" she fails again her voice not changing from it's previous state.


"Who am I?" Emma says suddenly "a person made to suffer, people where killed because of me, killed Because they defended me, I don't deserve happiness, I deserve more suffering, more than this much much much more.." her voice Trailed off and she looked so lost

"I don't know who I am anymore, I feel lost, lost. I feel like I've been hiding for so long. Hiding not only form others but from myself, and I forgot.. no longer do I know who I am and why I live, i now live to suffer, I feel so confused when everything happens so fast, one minute I'm hiding the next I'm broken"

She stops talking and falls to her knees the way she'd fall when my father would whip her with his belt,

I hated it. It made me feel like she wanted me to hurt her- she doesn't deserve to get hurt, no one does.

I hear her screams ringing in my ears and I bent down and force her up.

"Emma" I say

"Punish me" she says suddenly

I hate her for saying those words.

"No" I reply

"Tommy! You know I deserve it, it was the only way to discipline me! I was stupid thinking I cou-"

She screams suddenly and I see a figure slam her onto the wall.

It can't be my father!

No it isn't- it was this blonde boy.

"Get the f*ck off her!" I Yell at him

he starts throwing punches and kicks at her and I try and wrestle him off her but he wouldn't budge


A bunch of guys barge in the place, one with black hair and blue eyes, another with dirty blonde hair and a third with a look that scared.

"No!" She yells at the boys and me.

"Emma!" The black haired one shouts , the guy has back up because more boys come

I fight them with two of the boys while the black hair goes to help Emma.

"Who are you?" I yell at the boys punching one in the stomach

"Christopher" the blonde replies "and who are you must I ask?"

"Thomas" I say kicking one so he falls flat on his face "still I didn't ask for your name, I asked for your identification"

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