|Dean X Reader| PART ONE

Start from the beginning

"Daddy didn't look fine mommy." She cried placing her face in her mother's shoulder, as her light breaths fanned it.

"Well-" Before the mother could finish her sentence she cut herself off as the doctor walked back out... His sad face putting goosebumps on the wifes' skin.

"Please tell me he's going to be ok!" Y/N exclaimed standing back up quickly, causing Rose to whimper.

"Your husband is in anaphylactic shock... Were not sure what caused this to happen so really no way to help him... Yet." The doctor informed eyes not leaving his clipboard.

"That's it? I thought doctors were supposed to help people... Help him, it can't just be caused by nothing!" Y/N yelled angerly not caring about all the stares she had been receiving.

"Ma'am we are doing everything we can, we even have the police investigating the restaurant for any leads on what could have done this." He informed turning the other way.

At that moment in time, the mother finally broke down in tears. Then that she realized her husband might not make it...

Y/N's head gradually became buried in her knees, as Rose started to cry due to the fact of seeing her mother in tears/

Unexpectedly there had been a tap on her shoulder, she looked up only to be met by her best friend.

"I heard about what happened." He whispered hugging her tight.

"Thanks for being here for me Dean." She sighed in relief as his comfort calmed her.

"Uncle Deanie!" Rose squealed holding out her arms so he would know to pick her up.

"Hey, kiddo... How about I take you out for some ice cream." He smiled... The smile that melted Y/N's heart, he had been so good with kids she didn't know what she would do without him.

"YAY!" Her daughter yelled causing people to turn our way.

"That's ok with you right?" He asked turning his friends way, as she nodded, knowing that Rose needed to get out of that god awful place.

They left soon after that as her thoughts consumed her. Sam better be ok...


It had been hours and still nothing, as Y/N soon stopped looking up every five minutes in hopes of the doctor with good news.

"Y/N Winchester." The doctor asked causing her head to whip up.

She ran over to him with big eyes waiting for what he had to say impatiently.

"It seems as though Sam had a severe allergic reaction to peanuts... Now there were high amounts in what he had been eating, yet none in the restaurant's kitchen we think someone put them in there on purpose..." He said slowly so that the wife could comprehend it all.

"Is he ok?" She asked the question that burned inside her skull.

"I'm very sorry but... We didn't catch it in time he's passed, our condolences are given." The doctor explained with a sad smile, as he then had been called away by another doctor.

"No... This can't be." Y/N mumbled breaking down in tears and this time there had been no one there to comfort her.

She then had became alone.


"Mommy where's dawdy?" Rose asked as her mother walked through the door to her daughter and Dean playing on the floor. She whipped the tears away as Dean flashed her a look of hurt.

"Lisen Rose," Y/N whispered sitting her in her lap. "Daddy he's in heaven."

The sobs escaped her lips, as she couldn't hold them in.

"Come on Rose let's get you to bed," Dean whispered lifting her up, a few tears escaping his eyes as well as he tried to hold them in the pain in his features giving away his feelings clearly.

"But mommy?..." She questioned confused her eyes glistening in the light.

"She'll be better in the morning," The blonde explained with a forced smile, as they disappeared up the stairs.

Sob after sob wracked Y/N's body as it got harder and harder to breathe.

"Y/N..." Dean's voice came. "It's going to be ok."

"How? My husband is dead, and the doctors don't think that it was some accident! Not to mention how am I going to tell Ro-" However Y/N had been cut off by his arms encircling around her in a nice and warm hug.

"I'm here for you..." He mumbled into my hair. "We'll get through this together... And he was my brother ya know."

"I-I can't," She whispered looking up with a tear-stained face.

"Y/N I believe in you, I believe that everything will be just fine." He whispered putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, it won't because I can't take care of two kids on my own," She whispered in a raspy voice turning away from him.

"Two?" He questioned barely audible.

"I'm pregnant..." She mumbled now finally looking up at him.

His face full of shock as he squeezed her tighter.

"It's going to be ok." He reassured again... Not only trying to reassure Y/N however himself.


Dean had always been there for Y/N, whether it had been looking out for Rose or helping her pay the bills he always seemed to be there. Rose had started calling him dad as it kind of helped the pain go away. No one ever did find out who did that to Sam, and really no one really wanted to know.

As Dean had finally moved in with Y/N things became perfect once again... As they were like one big happy family. As they had finally became a couple Rose became much happier ever since her dad's death which put them all in a better mood.

Everything turned out to be perfect.

That lasted up until... They had found out who had really done it to Sam... And that it had all been meant for Y/N since they both have the allergy to peanuts, which were planted in his food that we are both deathly allergic to.

Whoever it had been had tried to kill Y/N... Life would never ever be the same after that.

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