((I'm not sure if you can move the armrest at all theaters, but you can where I am... sooo... yeah))

-Later that night-

"Goodnight Irish." Louis mumbles, already half asleep.

"Night Lou." I say quietly. As soon as i close my eyes, I'm taken to a dark part of my mind where i lock away memories. For the whole night, I'm stuck in a memory, reliving the whole thing until the end.


"Please! I don't want to go to Uni!" I beg my parents. I glare at Allie and Josh who are smirking and chuckling at me.

"Niall sweetie, you have to. You need an proper full education." My mom says, not backing down.

"Niall, don't argue with us, it's safer if you go, ok? You know it too." My dad smiles at me, and i know he's right. I still don't want to go.

"Who knows," Josh adds, "you might find a boy at Uni. Then you'll get married, and adopt two kids-"

"Niall is not getting married to any man!" My dad cuts Josh off. "Not yet, he's still too young for that, and if anyone is going to propose to Niall, they have to get my permission first!"

"Awe, dad!" I chuckle, getting up and hugging both my parents.

"I can't wait for Niall to find someone. I bet he'll love him for who he is, not caring about the fact that Niall is an angel. When would you tell someone that you're dating about what you are? Or would you wait for them to find out, like the first time you fu-" Allie smirks at me, but her voice is cut short by my mom.

"That's enough Allie." She scolds, standing up along with my dad. "And suddenly, I have something to do in the kitchen."

I chuckle and watch as my parents walk into the kitchen, pretending to be busy.

"Allie! Why would yo-" I get cut off too, but this time it's by glass smashing in the kitchen ,and a muffled scream.

Allie, Josh and I run into the Kitchen, and I freeze as soon as i see what's in front of me. My sister Leah, and my brother Greg, each one holding a different parent, covering their mouths as they hold angel blades to them.

"Leah, Greg..." I say cautiously, stepping forward slowly. "Please don't hurt them..."

"That sounds oddly familiar.." Greg chuckles, making me scowl.

"No! Jack! Please don't do this!" Leah mocks, making me growl even louder.

"Enough!" I shout, "What're you doing here?"

"Father's dead, your real father." Leah says, tightening her grip on my dad. "His last wish was for you to go too."

"All because I wouldn't kill my best friend?!" I shout, angry, confused, and hurt.

"All because you disobeyed him! He had a rule, and you broke it! There was a way you could have made it right, but you chose not to!" Greg grumbles, sliding his blade along my mom's face, cutting her cheek.

"Just let them go, and you can have me." I say, stepping closer as i scan the room for something I can use to fight them.

Greg and Leah exchange glances before turning back to me. Allie screams, and Josh and I gasp when Leah and Greg push their blades through mom and dad, dropping their body's to the ground after.

"Opps.." Leah shrugs, smirking at me.

Allie goes after Greg, and Josh goes after Leah. I should be helping, but instead, I drop to the floor next to mom and dad. I check their pulse and start to silently cry when i feel nothing...

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