Jealousy suits you Stephen... or not?

Start from the beginning

« Do you really want me to move away from you ? » he stated, his lips ghosting over your neck and you involuntarily shuddered. You were going to answer that you didn't want him near you when the dark voice of Stephen echoed in the room.

« Stay away from her, Loki. »

Loki shrugged and stiffened, moving a bit away from you, but he was still close enough for you to smell his cologne and see his features lightly glistening in the dark.

« Ah, the sorcerer is here to ruin my fun. You're worse than my brother. Always coming at the bad moment. »

Stephen stepped closer, his fists clenched and gritting his teeth. You pleaded him with your eyes to not engage a fight. You knew it would be chaotic, a battle of titans and you did not want to ruin Tony's birthday because of Loki's attempt to flirt and Stephen's jealousy.

« You do not take what is mine, puny god. »

You saw Loki's jaw clenched and before things could turn upside down, you put your hands on Loki's chest, gently but firmly pushing him away.

« Thank you Loki, I'll find my way back to the party on my own, » you said, lying to ease the tension between the two men. You walked to Stephen, took his hand, lacing your fingers with his and led him back to the party. His deathly stare never left Loki until you both left the room. You brought him to the bar, where you ordered a drink and made him sit next to you. Stephen was frozen, anger and rage boiling in his body. All his muscles were tensed and you could see the veins of his jaw throbbed as he tried to contain himself. You had never seen Stephen in that state before, possessive and jealous and somehow it touched you. You cupped his face, making him look at you and you lightly pecked his lips.

« I'm here, Stephen. »

When his eyes finally met yours, you were awestruck. You knew Stephen cared deeply about you, but when you saw the amount of pure love glimmering in his eyes like the sun illuminating the surface of the ocean, your heart melted, and you smiled at him. He took your hands in his and gently kissed them, his breathing coming back to normal and he whispered a « thank you ».

He grabbed the drink and drunk it quickly.

Who knew Stephen can be jealous? And possessive?

You liked this side, but you also hope it wouldn't cause any problem in the future. Oh boy, you were so wrong!

The party went well, Loki staying far away from you, because each time he even tried to approach, Stephen would wrap his arms around your waist, pushing you closer to him and stared at Loki until he walked back. At the fifth time it happened, you realised Loki was doing that on purpose as you saw his smirk never leave his lips.

Nevertheless, all went partially well, until Tony being Tony drank a bit too much and started to chat with you, complimenting you and lightly touching your arms at the bar. You knew he was drunk so you let it go and lightly put his hand back at their rightful place. Stephen was talking with Bruce and Steve, probably talking about science under the bewildered gaze of the super soldier who was trying to keep up.

However, Tony , drunk as he was, asked loudly, breaking the peaceful mood of the party.

« Why are you with Stephen ? I ship you with the Captain. No, no, no, wait  I ship you with me. »

You blinked a few times, taken off guard.

« Excuse me ? » you asked, putting your drink on the bar and getting up.

Tony snorted, drinking another glass of alcohol.

« You should be part of the Avengers, not him. »

You frowned.

« Tony, you 're clearly drunk and not thinking straight. No more alcohol for you. »

You grabbed his glass, but he didn't let go and grunted. He staggered and you instinctively holding him to avoid him from falling. Unfortunately, he used this opportunity to grab your bottom, and you squealed at the feeling.

« Tony ! You're out of line! »

Tony grinned, clearly drunk and you realised he was a cuddly drunk, a very touchy drunk.

« You look so good in this dress, I could make you scream my name all night. »

And then, he leant on and pressed his lips against yours. Immediately you stepped away, while Tony tried to grab your figure and pull you closer.

Fortunately, Wanda came to the rescue and used her powers to lift Tony back to his room before he could do something he would regret. When you turned around, shaking your head, Steve put a hand on your shoulder.

« Are you okay ? »

You nodded.

« Yes, I just didn't expect this. Thanks Steve. »

He looked at you, examining you and you shivered a bit. He noticed and removed his jacket.

« Here, you're cold, take this. »

He gave you his jacket, putting it gently on your shoulders.

« Always the gentleman. Thank you, Steve. »

Stephen arrived at that moment and asked, startled.

« Are you okay ? I heard what happened. Did he touch you ? Hurt you ? » he asked, looking into your eyes, searching for something you could not define. You looked away, conflicted between having to tell the truth to not hurt the man you love or lie to avoid making a scene.

You didn't have time to answer as Wanda came back and asked.

« Oh my god ! I'm so sorry Y/N. I should have known he would have made a move on you. You were in his mind the moment you arrived at the party. »

Stephen looked at her, tilting his head to the side and you knew the jealous Stephen was back.

« What do you mean, Wanda ? »

Before she had time to respond, you quickly said.

« He kissed me. »

A heavy silent lingered and Wanda slowly backed away, saying to the other people to make room for the sorcerer and his girlfriend.

« He took me by surprise. I'm sorry Stephen. He was clearly intoxicated and I'm sure he won't remember tomorrow. «

« And I'm supposed to forgive him for touching MY girlfriend ? »

You raised an eyebrow at him.

« I don't blame him. He wasn't himself. Besides he's with Pepper. Please Stephen, don't be jealous and let's go okay ? »

You mentally said to Wanda you were leaving as you saw Stephen slowly nodded at you. He opened a portal back to the Sanctum, actually back to the room you share and before you had time to react, he was kissing you passionately. His kiss was rough and dominant, his tongue slipping past your lips to dance roughly with yours and you let out a slight moan. His hands were roaming freely your body as yours were tangled in his hair, pulling at it which earnt you a delightful groan of Stephen. He kissed your jaw, trailing down your neck, biting, sucking, making sure to leave a mark and then your collarbone. Then he stepped back, looking at proudly at the love bite he had left.

« You are mine. »

And he kissed you again, and all the rest of the night, only the sounds of screams of pleasure were heard in the whole Sanctum as Stephen marked you as his, in every way he imagined.

A/N: So what did you think? Bad ? Good?

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