Once again, Pete's voice made their heads spin. On stage, Geno was tied to a wood pole in the middle of the stage before a clapping audience which were still seemingly invisible. They were there, mostly made up of villians, both weasel, lizard...even rats, cats and dogs.

They all seemed to be fans of this act. In the light, Geno's ruined fur revealed strikes from the whip and his head was held tightly in a rein. That same one he was caged with. He though kept his head low and began to catch his breath to keep a straight head. He had to think. He had to outsmart their captor and quick. He shut his eyes tight the moment he heard the loud step of that all too familiar peg leg. The crowd grew louder with glee. Sarah's stomach dropped and Bing Bong couldn't watch when they saw Pete himself march forward with a whip in hand. Woody looked pained. Gurri was held beside the announcer's box with Gammy as she was forced to watch from a better view. She looked tortured. She tried to keep her eyes closed as much as she could.

By the looks of all this, Sarah knew that this wasn't going to end well. She didn't even want Bing Bong to watch what was going to unfold.

"Oh God... you better not look, buddy..." she painfully whispered.

The nervous elephant did what he was told and covered his eyes. With a lowly whimper he shook his head, in dread. Sarah soon got his attention,yanking his sleeve.

"Bing Bong... that idea! What is it...?" Sarah asked.

Meanwhile, when the drum roll was sounded, Geno kept his head as high as he could despite that he was tied to the wood pole in the center of the ring. He could hear Pete snap his whip as he closed in. He dug his hooves into the dirt, preparing himself for the pain.

There was a snap and a sharp sting rose up from his thigh. He gritted his teeth and broke into an angry sprint.


Geno felt the line tighten up as he galloped around the pole. Suddenly he was yanked so hard that he had to change direction. He got the sense that someone was nearing behind him and gave a painful kick! Gammy got his jaw kicked by two sharp hooves and flew off several feet out of the ring. The audience gasped as some started to laugh and cheer.

Sarah shut her eyes! Bing Bong had to turn away. He remembered what Robin's note said.... The entrance maze? He glanced up at the top of the cages.

Geno was going to keep trying, by kicking and stabbing as much as he could, despite the whipping.

Pete who took the line from the pole to reel in Geno. Geno dug his hooves into the dirt and pulled away.

Having someone as innocent as Bing Bong to watch this kind of violence angered Geno even more, next to threatening his sister. The buck's eyes were red with fury and his fur rose, dashing around the corral, wildly. He had to keep in motion as long as he could. The cheers of the audience were getting louder.

As this was going on, Mickey was hard at work when he was led to the right spot in the hay. The magical trail had ended and he started to scratch and dig through some dirt but he blunted his claws when he hit the wood top of some sort of box, which was where this one light was glowing from inside it. His little burrow was starting to give it away so he had to be very quick. It hurt a little, but he wedged between the planks and found himself dropping into the box. He was blinded and his whole body started to shake and he began to feel sick. There before the mouse was a small jewel which was transparent with a hypnotic swirling pattern of sharp green and gold. This was it! He found it... Now, to destroy it.

Geno roughly rammed into the high fence, in hopes that it would fall. He was yanked again and then whipped again. He broke into a violent charge towards Pete, not caring now. This was the moment Pete chose to use the leg trap and threw a rope with two heavy stones attached to the ends. Geno felt a pain hit his right leg and it was forced to bend. That dreaded rope forced his leg to bend and it stayed stuck that way. From that, it caused him to lose his balance and fall hard to the ground.

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