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(The brothers p.o.v)

"We can't find her!" Tsubaki said

"And with this storm I doubt it" Azusa said

"I can't believe we said all that, not to mention she heard it" Kana-nii said

"We'll apologize when we find her but now the storm is too strong" Masa-nii said sadly

He wasn't the only one whose sad, everyone is, after Kira ran out they screamed her name to make her come back, because of that the others woke up and asked what happened

They got angry, especially Fuuto and Yuusuke, they almost punched them but Louis and Iori calmed them down

Ema is comforting Wataru who's crying, then he cried more hearing they couldn't find her and have to wait for the weather to calm down

Subaru could just stares at the gift Kira made for him, he hadn't opened it, and he thinks that he doesn't even deserve to open it, after all, it was him who wanted to have a drink with the others

(Kira's p.o.v)

I woke up and it's still storming outside, and it still isn't morning, I'm shivering from both cold and fear

"Grrrr" I flinched when I heard a growl inside the cave

The was pretty big but I settled a bit near outside so I can monitor if it's safe to go outside but I haven't thought if it's safe deeper inside the cave

I turned around and saw a big brown bear, my body was already very tired so I could only hope that it ignores me but I was wrong, it went near me much more and was about to attack me when "Halt!" A voice said

The bear stopped and went to the one who said it, it was a guy,his hair as black as mine and eyes a deep red,he has an emotionless face, he wears an all black clothes, he patted the bear then turned to me

He kneeled down and asked "Miss are you alright?"

I nodded

"Well I can see that he didn't do anything to you but your clothes are full of scartches, you have bandages, and you're shivering cold, come I'll help you" he said reaching a hand out

I just stared at it, I don't want to trust and get hurt again, he raised an eyebrow

"Hmm seems like you don't trust me, the how about this, allow me to help you and answer questions ,and I'll answer questions you have for me and make sure the bear doesn't attack you, deal?" He reaches his hand out was again

I was hesitant but I didn't have a choice so I grabbed this hand and let him raise me up, but after I stood up, I didn't expect that he lifted me up bridal style "W-wha!-"

" I said I'd help you remember" he said and I sighed

We went deeper into the cave, we then reached the end of it, there's a fireplace, a tent, and some other stuff, the bear seems to be sleeping near the tent

He sat me at a log near the fire place and drappen a towel on me and gave me some clothes "Change in the tent, I won't look"

I nodded and got change, the clothes was his so it was a bit big, after all he does a have a bit of muscles, I went out and he grabbed my wet clothes from me and hang them near the fireplace

He then proceeded replacing my wet and dirty bandages

(Time skip)

"Are there any more bandages?" He asked

I hesitantly nodded and lifted my shirt, his eyes grew wide for a moment then reverted back to his emotionless face

He touched my stomach, I flinched a bit but not because it hurts but because Masa-nii was the only one who ever touches me there and he's a doctor but right now a total stranger is doing it and it feels weird

Not long after he finished "So now that, that's done, I am Shun, I don't have a last name, I was abandoned by my parents a long time ago, because of the reason that they didn't want a boy,after a few years of not getting adopted I was kicked out,and I somehow surived through out the years but it's a long story, now your turn"

"I-I'm K-ki-ra" I said in a low voice

He seemed to have heard it anyway "Don't you have a last name?"

I looked down sadly "I-I d-don't t-think I b-b-belong there"

"And why is that?"

(Time skip)

He somehow persuaded me to tell him after I refused the first 3 times and now I'm crying "I-I just *sniffs* w-w-wanted to h-have a *sniffs* h-happy f-family"

I felt arms around me,I looked up and saw that Shun was hugging me, he pulled ne closer to his chest and placed his head on my neck then whispered "it's okay, not everyone has the luxury of such things, even I don't"

I started crying more but this time it was also for him, we are so unfortunate have this fate

(Time skip)

After crying he lend me his tent "I'll sleep out here, don't worry the fireplace is nearby, I won't get cold, and I know you still have questions but I'll answer them tomorrow and I have more for you too" then he layed down at the bear and pulled some blankets to himself

I smiled and layed down, I muttered a "Thank...you" then slept

(Shun's p.o.v)

I layed down on the bear comfortably then I heard Kira "Thank...you"

I smiled at that, it's been a long time since I heard it, but I feel sorry for her, she has a worst past than me, not knowing who your parents are, having an abusive father who adopted you, and now that her abusive father is gone,she has sibling who don't like her

But she just told me that, she didn' dig into details on how or what happened except on how she got here, but I want to know what her father did to her, or what happened when she got into her new family, just so that I can becareful

I'm also curious about the scars she has, especially on her side, when I touched it earlier I was a bit hesitant, even though she has lots of scars, she has surprisingly smooth skin, it feels weird when I was thinking of that while treating her

I feel heat rising up to my cheeks, I mentally scolded myself then slept

Kira :The Abused SiblingWhere stories live. Discover now