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We went to the festival, It has a lot of stall, a lot of people, colorful designs

I went with Masa-nii and Wataru, I held unto both of their hands,Wataru dragged both of us to a lot of stalls and he ate a lot

Then it was time for Fuuto's performance, at the middle of the performance, Fuuto seemed to notice me, and he gave me a gentle smile with a wave, I smiled and waved back

Masa-nii then tapped my shoulder, "Kira, Wataru needs to go to the bathroom, I'll accompany him, stay here, it will just be a minute, I promise"

I nodded, Then after a while, my hand was grabbed and I was being dragged by two unknown men

I tried to resist but they were to strong, Everyone at the concert was too noisy, I couldn't ask for help

I looked at Fuuto, he seemed to have notice as his face became worried but he was still performing

So when he was giving a message to his fans he also shouted
"Don't worry!" It made me a bit smile that he was worried but then the two men dragged me away out of his reach

(Fuuto p.o.v)

Kira was being dragged by men, I couldn't just stop and leave, so while I was giving a message out to my fans, I shouted a 'Dont worry!' At the crowd

The crowd doesn't seem to gets that, but Kira does, I saw her smile, but the two men dragged her out of my view

I quickly went backstage, I ignored my manager, I grabbed my phone, and called my brothers

"Hello? What is it?" Kyo-nii asked

"Are you going to brag?" Tsuba-nii asked


I changed my clothes and put a disguise, then met up with the others

"Fuuto! There you are, which direction?" Kyo-nii asked

"There" I said pointing to the right ,We then ran and try to find her

(Kira p.o.v)

The two men brought me to an alley on the streets, a bit far from the festival

I was shaking in fear, I wanted to leave but they were blocking the only way out

"Look she's scared" Unknown man #1 said

"Haha, why don't we make her more scared" Unknown man#2 said

The other man nodded, they both reached out for me, both grabbing my kimono and tried taking it off

I resisted and tried my best "N-no!"

"Oh? It seems she's resisting" Unknown man# 1 said to Unknown man #2 but no response came

He turned around to see that another man had knocked him out

"Why You!" Unknown man#1 said and tried punching the man but the man was quicker and kicked him eventually knocking him out

The man then came near me, I got scared and closed my eyes shut

Then I heard his voice "Kira?"

I opened my eyes to see a familiar red head with laid back hair, strong build, tattoo on his shoulder, but what I recognized about him is his face

My only childhood friend

"K-...kai?" I said

Then he hugged me "It is you, come on let's get you somewhere safe, but fix your kimoni first" kai said

I nodded and fixed my kimono, he then took my hand and we went to a big compound

A lot of people were there and they looked dangerous

"Oy boss, that your girl?" A guy said

"No, she's my friend" kai said then brought me to his living room

"You're safe for now, don't be scared of those guys, they're my men, turns out I became a yakuza like my father, by the way ,Why are you here? Do you have any companion?" He asked

"F-.....for t-the festival,.......m-my family i-is with me" I said

"Family? Do you mean that old man of yours?" Kai said with an angry expression

He knew about what was going on with me before, but he couldn't do anything when he found out, cause if he did, jin will beat me up more

I only get to hang out with him when Jin went to work before, we were neighbors, and we played all the time, he conforted me when I'm down cause he knows what I went through

I shook my head in reply "I- I'm adopted"

"I see, are they good to you?" He asked I nodded with a small smile, He seemed relieved

"Then let's get you to them, where did you last see them?" He asked

"A-at Fuuto's concert" I said

"Fuuto? Don't tell me he's your brother?" he asked jockingly

I nodded

"Really?!" He asked almost standing up

I nodded "he's 1 o-out of 13 brothers a-and 1 sister" I said

".......that's a big family, I have a brother and sister too, ran and rem" He said calming down

"....f-from the j-junkyard?" I asked

He nodded"you know them?"

I nodded

"Well I'll ask about that on another day, come on we don't want your family to be worried" he said the grabbed my hand and we went out

Two of his men came with us

I grabbed his arm a bit scared of them

"Don't worry, they'll be here to guard us" he said

I let go of his arm and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder

Then we walked back to where the concert was held, but no one was there "Well no ones here where else should we lo-" Kai said but was cut off

"Hey look there she is!!!!" I heard Fuuto said

Kira :The Abused SiblingWhere stories live. Discover now