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"Yuusuke, apologize to her" Iori said

"E-eh but-"

"Yuusuke/Yuu-nii" the others said glaring daggers at him with a dark aura(yes ,even wataru)

"O-ok" he said then came near me

I flinched

"I-I'm sorry ok please forgive me" Yuusuke said

Masa-nii looked at me with a smile so I nodded back to Yuusuke

Then everyone went back to what they were doing but Kyo-nii told Iori and Yuusuke about me, they both looked equally sad

Yuusuke went to his room while Iori came near me

"I'm sorry about Yuusuke, forgive him ok" Iori said with a princely smile then I nodded and let go of Louis' arm

"Don't be afraid of me ok?, here a flower" He tried to hand it to me

I stared at it for a while the reach out for it

Just as I was about to hold the stem he grabbed my hand, I flinched, then he placed the flower on my hair

"See?, not scary right?" he said with his signature smile and I nodded and relaxed a bit

He took notice and smiled, Masa-nii and Louis also smiled

"Awww, Masa-nii ,Lou-nii , and Iori-nii, already gained Kira-nee's trust, that's so unfair" Wataru whined

"Don't worry Wataru, just don't be too energetic, too loud, and too playful, then she might trust you next" Masa-nii said

"Really?!, Then I'll behave" Wataru said with sparkling eyes while Masa-nii just giggled

"Alright time to sleep, Louis, Iori, escort her to her room" Masa-nii said grabbing a not sleepy Wataru

(Time skip in my room)

I just keep staring at it

"What's wrong?" Iori asked

"....I n-never h-had a room b-before" I said stuttering less and a bit faster because I'm with them only, they took notice of that and smiled

"Really? Where did you sleep? The couch? "Louis asked

". . . The floor..n-no pillow...a-and no blanket" I said

They both looked sad when I said that but managed to smile again at the thought of me being with them

"Well, if you need us, I'm in the room at the end of the hall to the left , Iori's room is at a different floor, while Masa-nii's is the first door to the right" Louis said and I nodded

Then they said their goodnights and I lay on the bed, it was so soft, so I slept right away

(Next morning)

I was woken up by the sound of something cooking

I got up, took a bath at my bathroom, changed, clothes and brushed my hair then went down

I saw Kyo-nii cooking breakfast

I took a few steps forward and he seem to notice me

"Oh you're early, goodmorning" He said

I nodded in response

"You seem to have already taken a bath as well, do you usually do that?" He asked as I nodded again

"Hey, no need to be afraid, I admit that I'm strict, but I'm not loud, playful ,or clingy" He said

"That goes for us too"4 voices said

"Goodmorning, Hikaru, Natsume, Azusa , and Subaru"

They said their goodmornings as well then spoke to me

"You may find me a bit of a mystery but fear not, I just like teasing" Hika-nii said

"I may look like I'm strict or a bit mean but, I'm not really like that" Natsume said

"I may look the same as Tsubaki but I'm quite the opposite of him" Azusa said

"And don't be afraid of me, I just have this build because I play basketball, please don't be afraid of us" Subaru said

They all waited for my reply, I think about it for a second, and replied with a small smile

They saw it and smiled back

"Guess we gained her trust ,though I just we have to try harder if we want to be in the same level of trust and Masa-nii, Louis ,and Iori" Hika-nii said

Then Masaomi, Louis, and Iori came and saw the smiles, they also smiled at the thought that I trusted 5 more people even if it's not as much as I trust them

Kyo-nii then went back to cooking, I went near him, he noticed me

"Yes?" He asked

".  .  .   .I....d-do y-you need h-help?" I asked as he and the other smiled

"Yes, place plates on the table please and thank you" he said as I quickly did it

Not long after the others woke up ,so we went to eat breakfast, then we went to the living room ,it's sunday so most of them have no work and school,I sat next to Hika-nii and Kyo-nii

Kana-nii, Tsubaki, Yuusuke , and Wataru noticed

"Eh? Imouto is sitting next to them?" Kana-nii said

"Don't tell me-" Tsubaki said before being cut of by Azusa

"Yes Tsubaki, The 5 of us has gained her trust" Azusa said

"Though we are not in the same level of trust as the first 3-" Hika-nii said

"But regardless we are happy" Kyo-nii continued

Kana-nii, Tsubaki, Yuusuke, and Wataru's jaw dropped

"I will not lose, I'm going to gain Kira-nee's trust next" Declared by Wataru

"By the way Kira, what school do you go to?" Kyo-nii asked

"......T-the o-online c-college u-u-university of m-meiji" I said as he got shocked and so did the others

"Online College Univeristy?" Kyo-nii asked

I nodded

"But aren't you to young for college?" Kana-nii asked

".  .  .I .  .was . .a-asked..t-to..move..a-a-another..g-g-grade" I said

"Really? then you must be really smart!" Tsubaki said

I got scared by Tsubaki's sudden shout, so I grabbed Hika-nii's arm

"Tsubaki, look you scared her" Hika-nii said

"Oh!, sorry Kira" Tsubaki said the  I nodded

"Kira, do you want to go to school?" Kyo- nii asked

Kira :The Abused SiblingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang