pt. 6; G.R.R.III pt. 2

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point of view: y/n l/n
time: unknown

i woke up to a beautiful guitar tune, i looked up and saw ryan, i was laying in his lap.

he smiled, and put down his guitar. "don't worry, i didn't abduct you."

"is it really you ryan?" i started tearing up.

"can a fake ryan ross do this?"

he looked down at me and tickled me. we were both laughing. (lol you thought he was gonna kiss you)

"stop!" i laughed.

"no!" he said.

"stop it or else i'm breaking your guitar." i said, he stopped.

"i missed you y/n." he frowned.

we hugged. "it's been almost 4 years ryro.."

"you've matured a lot l/n, my little emo child grew up." he put his hand on his chest. "it felt like almost yesterday a little emo dancer was teaching me how to dance."

"i can say the same with you ross." he fixed his hair. "now about my ankle.."

"shit-right," he scratch the back of his neck. "you didn't fracture it or anything, you just fell and landed on a rock. tip: never run on heels."

"never try to runaway from me." he got red.

"hehe.." he was embarrassed.

"why haven't you talked to anyone?"

"after the cape town thing, everything changed," he said. "i wanted to start over again, but then shortly after i left panic! brendon and i saw each other at a restaurant, and i realized that no matter how much i'll try, my past will remain the same. so i decided to loose contact with everyone for my own good."

"oh ryan.." i said.

"i know," he replied. "but when i saw your message in the group chat i couldn't help it, i wanted to see you guys again. but i was too afraid to see brendon or sarah, i know they had something against me and when i saw you, i knew you didn't feel that way so i tried my best to make you notice i was here, and well you found me."

"they don't hate you." i said. "in fact, halsey wanted to see you."


"yes." i replied. "she frowned when brendon said you lost contact."


"let me tell you that i miss you being in panic! or in our group." i said. "every time someone or the band plays northern downpour it hurts me because i was the first person you told the actual meaning of the song.."

"i-i'm sorry y/n, i should've never written northern downpour or any song in pretty. odd.." he looked down. "all of the damn songs i wrote hurt everyone and—"

"no ryan, pretty. odd is amazing and there's nothing wrong with it, all the songs are perfect, and i love how you write songs." i said, he smiled at the compliment. "but i definitely think you should stay in touch, instead of just cutting us off as if we didn't exist in the first place."

him and i ; j.d {sequel to lover//josh dun x reader}Where stories live. Discover now