pt. 1; 3 years later

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look at all that drama mom !

" even if i don't stay, everything will be ok "
- g-eazy 2015
( when it's dark out ; track 15 )

point of view: y/n l/n
time: 3 years after breakup, late 2012

after josh and i broke up, i haven't been the same. yes i finished my training after that, but he was the one person that always made me happy no matter what.

im such an idiot, why didn't i talked to him about the thing that happened three years ago? instead of jumping in conclusions.

i missed him.

but he probably forgot about me, but i haven't. i told brendon how much i wished i was over him, but he always told me that being blue was better than being over it.

it was early in the morning, i came to los angeles for some days because i was sarah's maid of honor and we were gonna go out buy her dress. brendon and sarah we're both in their room asleep, so i decided to get ready and go out to buy food.

i put on my hoodie that brendon gave me on senior year, my moon necklace, yes i still wear it but i hide it in my hoodie, leggings, and brushed my shoulder-length hair and put on my high tops.

i grabbed a sticky note and left it on the fridge, and made a coffee for brendon just in case he was hung over.


the car ride was silent and lonely, whenever i would run errands i'd always go with josh or ryan, but we all know they're both gone.

i didn't want to drown on my thoughts so i turned on the shuffled list of music on my phone and put my earphones on while shopping.

i grabbed the necessary things that we needed to survive and made my way to the checkout.

on my shuffle list a song named 'forest' by twenty one pilots started playing, i actually liked it and turned it up full volume.

while walking to the checkout area there was a little group of people waving at me so i took off my earphones and waved back, they all walked to me and started talking.

"hey y/n! where's brendon and dallon?" oh boy, some panic! fans.

i'm recognized in the panic! fandom for many reasons/things and one of them was punching a security guard for not letting me see brendon when he got felled at during reading and leeds, almost 5 years ago. i'm a great best friend.

"hey, umm–well i guess they're both asleep."

"together?!" one of the girls said jumping around. "brallon is real?!"

"brallon is just stage gay dear," i answered, the little group laughed and took pics with me.

"can we get a pic with you?" i kindly nodded, i just wanted to go home and eat breakfast.

after some pics they all left and i was now in line. i put back my earphones and started finishing listening to forest. that's when i got tapped in the shoulder.

"what is it now?" i said in a soft tone, i looked up and saw brown curly haired guy, whose hair was a mohawk, with piercings, brown eyes, i guess you can say mocha eyes, a sleeve tattoo; he looked familiar.

"are you a musician?" his voice sounded even more familiar. i shook my head.

"i play music but i'm not an artist, but my best friend and brother are." he smiled, he looked so familiar, i just couldn't put my finger on it. "are you?"

"i guess you can say, i'm a drummer in a small band called 'twenty one pilots'." my eyes widened, i looked at my phone and looked back at the guy, he looked down at my phone and his eyes also widened.

"you listen to our music?"

"i just started listening today, i like your music." the guy smiled, which made me smile. i haven't done that in a while. "umm–do you want my phone number?"

"sure," i grabbed his phone and put my phone number. "wait aren't you worried? i'm a stranger to you.."

"well let me introduce myself, i'm y/n." i shook hands with him.

"i'm joshua, but you can call me josh." shit, he had the same name as my ex.


"hey y/n," i was greeted by brendon. i looked up and saw spencer, and the weekes's doing some stuff. "i forgot to tell you that everyone else was coming over."

"don't worry, i knew something was up so i bought extra stuff." sarah, breezy, and i started cooking.

i looked at the boys they were all really happy. brendon was playing with knox, spencer and dallon were being styled by amelie, how cute.

"ahh! what the fuck?!"

we all stopped and turned around and saw that knox threw up on brendon, i started to laugh. but, it wasn't over, amelie grabbed a bucket and put it on brendon's head and let's just say she ran away and brendon ended up hitting himself with the wall.

"those are your kids." breezy and dallon said pointing at each other, we finished cooking and put all the stuff in the table and we all started eating.

we were all talking about some random stuff and our moment got interrupted by brendon's phone ringing.


"oh yeah, i forgot about them."

"wait, what do you mean we know them?"

"we'll all go meet up there later, bye." brendon hung up.

"who was that?" sarah said.

"pete, he wants us to meet up at a restaurant at 4." i put my stuff away and started playing with amelie and knox. "he said he has something to show us/tell us."

it was 11, we still had more time. so when we finished i went back and locked myself in my room and just stayed there in silence.

i wish people would now how much i started to suffer after i dated josh.

him and i ; j.d {sequel to lover//josh dun x reader}Where stories live. Discover now