The Merman

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Thought I would go back to this format seeing that this is a new OC I thought of
You are on vacation at a beach resort. You needed this vacation because your life is stressful at the moment so you decide to take two weeks off. On your third day of your vacation you feel something brush against your leg. You go to look down at what brushed against you but soon your dragged down under the water. The last you see before blacking our is a male with navy blue hair and a spear heading towards you. You wake back up on the beach. You wonder who that male was and if you see him again. Now everyday since that incident you look for the male. On your last day at the beach you spot the person you were searching for. You.....

My Character
Name: Oceanus
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Merman
Other: N/A

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