"Oh my god! Hey!" I say and I give him a tight, he hugs me back even tighter.

"Where you been, I missed you." He says when we pulled away.

"You the one that be moving everywhere, where have you been?" I ask.

"I ain't moving no mo. I'm staying right here in Columbus. What about you?"

"I'm living wit my dad now, so I'm living here."

"Oh shit! We gotta hang out then." He says.

"Right, gimme yo number and we can arrange something," I tell him then we exchange numbers. We say bye to each other then walk to different places in the store.

Wow... I haven't seen him in years.


I pulled up in Di-Di's driveway and I parked. I grabbed all the bags out of the car and went to her door. I knocked and Denise opened the door.

"Yo ass always late," Denise says shaking her head.

"Girl I'm on black people time," I say walking in.

Denise walks to the back and I follow her. She opens the door and I see Regina and Di-Di playing just dance.

"Don't dance that baby out Di-Di," I say putting all the stuff down on the floor. She pauses the game then she comes hug me.

"After I finish beating Regina ass in the round we can leave," Di-Di says.

"You not finna beat my ass this time," Gina says.

"I beat you five times, come on nie," Di-Di says then she unpauses the game.

I pulled out my phone and I took some pictures. When I finished the girls were done playing that round.

Both Di-Di and Regina was breathing heavy.

"Bitch, I told you I was gon win," Gina says between her breaths.

"Only reason why you won is that this baby slowing me down," Di-Di says.

Once they calm down we leave the house to go to our first stop. The mall.


Di-Di parked the car in the closet parking spot near the entrance of the mall. We all get out the car and walked into the mall.

We instantly walked to Victoria Secret since they had a sale going on today. Di-Di goes towards the outfits, Regina goes towards the perfumes, and Denise and I went to the Lingerie.

"Girl, imma trynna get some stuff to show off fo my man," Denise says then sticks out her tongue.

"I just want some new underwear," I say shaking my head.

Denise and Malik are so cute together. He be picking her nail colors and they be wearing matching clothes and stuff.

They're the school couple goals.

I look through the racks trying to find a design I like.

"Ooo, Mia, you think I'll look good in this?" Denise asks then puts the piece of fabric against her skin.

"Hell yea. You might give Malik a heart attack wearing that." I tell her and she smiles.

I continue to look at the undies but I couldn't find anything I liked. Denise is in line with her things.

As I browse around the store I hear some familiar voices from afar.

I look and I see Kendra, Jessie, Kevin, and Tori standing by themselves messing with the clothes.

Played By A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now