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Samia stood in line with nothing but a huge smile on her face. It's the day that she's been waiting for, Graduation. She barely listened to Valedictorian who was giving her speech. Mia grabbed Denise's hand and squeezed it. She couldn't hold her excitement in.

She just couldn't believe that today she was getting her diploma. A couple months ago she was at the point where she didn't even know if she was going to graduate. Now look at her, number six in her class, going to Zicklin school of business in New York, and she has forty thousand dollars in scholarships.

Now she doesn't regret moving to Columbus. It was the best thing she could've did for herself. Honestly, she has no regrets at all. It was all worth it in the long run.

"...Congratulations class of 2018, we made it!" The Valedictorian yells and the whole civic center erupts in applause. It was now time for the diplomas.

Denise was holding back tears as she waited for her name to be called. There were so many emotions she was holding back. These four years were nothing but hell. She made it through it though. Getting pregnant at 17 and having a still-born, went through depression, has PTSD, and got heartbroken. During that time she had to find her own strength, had to learn to love herself. Out of all these four years, her senior year was the least stressful. She spent time with her cousin and even fell in love with somebody who she knows loves her.

Both Denise and Samia zoned out until they heard, "Raheem Tyrone Evans". Slim then smiled and did the electric slide all the way to the principal who held his diploma. Once he got to Mr.Lindsey and got his diploma, he grabbed the mic, "All I gotta say is thank you to all the teachers that said I wouldn't graduate. You bitches can kiss my ass cause I did it! Lastly, I wanna say I love you Di-Di and I love my daughter Dakota, I did this for yall!" He yelled, dropped the mic on the ground and crip walked off the stage. The crew could do nothing other than laugh.

Slim had a lot of things going on in his mind. He just now got his diploma and he has a little girl who he knows he is going to dedicate his life to. But, a piece of him still felt empty. The fact that neither one of his parents have talked to him for more than three months and didn't even show up to see their son get his diploma hurt him. Despite the pain he was feeling, he still decided to put a smile on his face and regardless of his shitty parents, he knew that Di-Di had his back, and he was going to be a fantastic parent to Dakota. They were going to be a great family.

"That's my baby! You did it, daddy!" Di-Di yells and Samia laugh hard as hell at her. Di-Di was so proud of Slim. They had their ups and downs but she genuinely loves him. She knows he did her dirty before but she had hope that he would eventually change. For their relationship and daughter.

"Regina Aaliyah Hardaway", the speaker said and Regina flipped her weave to the side, walking to the principal as if she was on the runway. When she reached him she turned around and strike a pose. Denise, Di-Di, and Samia hyped her up as she acted like she was on America's Next Top Model. She got her diploma from the principal and swayed her hips extra hard as she walked off the stage.

A couple more names were called before they heard, "Monte Javon Lewis." All of them yelled for Monte as he walked the stage to get his diploma. He was so ecstatic to be retrieving his diploma. No doubt, this year was hell for him. But he was grateful for Mia because out of everybody in the crew she was the only one who knew about his situation and helped him. For that, he will always love her. Jessie, Kevin, Tori, and Kendra were all screaming for him from the audience. They were sitting with Mia family. Her family accepted them and was willing to help Monte with whatever he needed for the kids.

Played By A GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora