Our Little Sleepover

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While eating, I looked at  Lumine and Kody (BTW you're sitting next to Lumine) .When I was looking at Lumine his face was red.Was he sick or something.
I asked Lumine if he was sick,I was blushing a bit since I put my hand on my crush's face.I knew my dad would get mad and would kill me since I now know my "protective" dad doesn't want me with a cute,wolf, person such as Lumine.
For some reason Lumine made an excuse to go to the bathroom.I know Lumine made an excuse probably he needs some time to him self cause he doesn't like me.

           ~Time Skip After Dinner~
When we were all done,we put the money on the table and left.

(Y/N)-"Hey um dad can I maybe go with Lumine and the others." I asked sweet kind hearted.

E/Dad-"No you cant especially when its nightime."he refused.
The heck though,usually he would fall for my cute personality.Wait,did I age out of my cuteness?!(LOL)
When we said goodbye to Lumine,Kody, and Aiden,
we went to our car and for some reason our car got hi-jacked.Lumine saw what happened to our car came to me.
(Aiden's car was diagonal from (y/n)'s car BTW)
Lumine-"Hey um you guys can come to our house and stay there for the night if you want, don't worry Aiden saw what happened as well and he would probably be ok with it." he offered while smiling.

E/dad-"No thank y-" he was about to finish until I interuppted.

(Y/N)-"Sure."I said with smile.

E/dad-"But -" he said until I interuppted once again.

(Y/N)-"Dad you can go but Im staying with my friends,you got that." I said in sassy way with a hair flip.
Lumine was laughing at my sassynes (doesn't spell right lol)and I clearly was also gonna laugh what I was doing as well.
So My dad and I go to Neptune headquarters.And Lumine,Kody, and I get out of the car and go inside the big mansion.
(Y/N)-"I never knew you guys had a really big place your is almost the Same size as my place." I said in amazement.

Lumine-"Thanks (y/n)." he said while smiling.In return I smiled back.All Kody was doing was standing there like a bi- I mean,a lifeless person and said nothing and just had a blank stare at me and Lumine.
Me and Lumine got scared but it was fine.

Lumine-"Well u-um anyways let's uhh go doing something?

(Y/N)-"Um y-yeah." we both said while being scared of Kody.

Sorry to end it so shortly I have so much homework.But while that read my new book, Kody x Reader

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