The "Friendly" Dinner

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Lumine POV
It was nice to not have an awkward talk,even though my "now" ex-boss covers his daughter's mouth.
The waiter,Hayden greeted us and told us to follow him.

Hayden-"You're table 13, the special table outside." he said while putting his hand outside at the table.

(Y/N)-"Woah I heard of these special tables, but wait how or who did afford this?" (Y/N) said in curious,amazed tone while twitching her ears.

(Y/N) was cute being so curious I was blushing while looking down until Edward spoke.

E/Dad-"Well you know how I was saving up for your college refunds yeah I used it." he said while awkwardly chuckling.

(Y/N)-"Wait what!?!?!" she said in surprise.

I then continued looking down, blushing.

Kody POV
This Hayden guy greeted us and told him to follow him and we got outside.
(Y/N) was being captain curious and asked who afforded the "special table".
I didn't really care about any of this, I only came because my dad would give me 50 dollars if I did come.
I wasn't really focusing on that conversation, what I was focusing on was Lumine.

Kody:"What the hell is Lumine blushing about is he freakin sick or what, I can't believe he's my body gaurd." I thought.

???-"Kody what are you doing here?" someone questioned me.

Kody-"What the hell are you doing here Malik?!?!" I said in surprise.

Malik-"Im here to have dinner with my parent's friend, but most importantly why are you here and I can't believe you can talk." he said with despite.

Me and Malik had a bad past with each other which made me get cursed and get bullied by others.
All of a sudden (Y/N) came over and put her hand on my shoulder and stood

(Y/N)-"He's here for a little friendly dinner-" (y/n) said until I stopped hearing her because I saw Malik blushing.
Wait does Malik like (y/n)?!That can't be true they just met.And (y/n) is standing up for me.

When I was so surprised about my "perfect" dad wasting all my college funds for a freaking dinner until a guy asked Kody why he was here.
When Kody mentioned his name,Malik I was getting a bad feeling about this little chat.I saw the despite in this Malik guy's eyes.I had to stand up for Kody even if I didn't know him well.I saw Lumine he looked like he also had a bad vibe from this guy as well.
(Y/N)-"He's here for a little friendly dinner because he wants to spend time with some people he may or may not know, unlike you and also he can speak he's like you."

I didn't care what I said I just wanted to make sure everything is ok.

Malik-"W-whatever my parent's friends are here anyway." he said when I do know he was lying.

After what he said he went away I guess he came to his parents or something.

Kody-"(y/n) you didn't have to do that." he said emotionless.

(Y/N)-"Hey isn't that friends are for?" I stated.

Kody-"But we don't know each other and we aren't friends." he said.

(Y/N)-"I-I know but if we become friends maybe we could get to know each other and get Along." I said with smile.

Kody-"sure,whatever." he said.

I'm glad everything worked just fine.
We all forgot what happened to sat down in our seats.

(Y/N)-"Hey um guys I heard that the outside special tables for lovers- uhhhh."when I realized what just I said I kind of froze in awkwardness
because I think I kinda like Lumine but I think he just thinks of me as a friend so I guess I have to think him as a friend as well.
When I was frozen Lumine tapped on my shoulder.

Lumine-"Hey um (y/n) are you okay." he asked me.

When I was about to answer I saw Lumine blushing a bit which made me blush.

(Y/N)-"Y-yeah I-I am umm f-fine." I said while stuttering and chuckling awkwardly.

"What the heck,first time I get to see Lumine again and I already blew it."I thought to myself.
               ~Time Skip To Food~
Lumine POV
I still wonder why (y/n) froze when she mentioned about lovers here-ooohhhh.
Does she like me hopefully but maybe she just thinks of me as a friend.

(Y/N)-"Hey L-Lumine are you okay your face is really red are you sick?" she asked me in a concerned tone.

When I looked at Edward and he was mad.He glared at me in despite so I made an excuse.He glared at me because (y/n) was touching my forehead for how hot my face was.

Lumine-"I need to go to the bathroom." I said awkwardly while waving.
Am I blushing?!No wonder why (y/n) was thinking I was sick, my face looks as red as a tomato.

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