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Faye bought a big-ass board and hanged it from my bedroom wall. There, she wrote the days of the week along with the hours of the day to keep everything in check. She put every single activity in my schedule. Washing the dishes, taking my pills, exercising. She put everything there.

As she finished writing she turned to me. I was sitting in my bed watching her work.

"Miss Brenan!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I said standing up straight with my hands behind my back.

"Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to complete all the tasks in this board and add new ones when they come up. You have to take your pills when you are supposed to, eat when you are supposed to, and most importantly, spend time with me when you are supposed to." The fact that she was using a commanding yet self-flattering voice made me chuckle under my breath. "Do you accept your mission, officer?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Also, before I forget," she dropped the colonel act and handed me a diary, small enough to fit on my jean's back pocket. "I think it's better if you write down things you have to remember."

"I've got my phone," I replied, but still took the note book.

"Yeah, but you never know. Your phone could run out of battery or something."

I didn't know it then, but having that small diary in my back pocket would save my life, because like she said, my phone could run out of battery or something. Faye spent most of her free time making sure I was taking my pills and eating well with my mom's help. But when it came to exercise, well, she couldn't really keep up with me so she just had to believe me. It would've been okay, if I wouldn't have lied one day. I promised I would go for a five mile run but instead, I stopped at the ice cream store and bought a chocolate one. I'd never done that before, I promise. She caught me when someone close to her spotted me and told her.

Next morning, she said she would go for a five mile run with me. Needless to say, Faye wasn't really the type of woman who ran, or exercises, or did any physical activity for that matter. She was just one of those people who ate everything they wanted and never got fatter. I know, I hate those people too.

Faye couldn't keep up with me so I had to slow down every couple of blocks. There were a couple of times I thought she'd pass out on me.

At one point, she stopped, supported her weight on her knees and gasping said, "You know what?... On a second thought... I could really use some... chocolate ice cream... right now."

I cracked up at that and we walked towards the ice cream store. We ordered two chocolate ice creams and sat on a bank at the park not far from there.

She was still trying to catch her breath, but at least she didn't have to stop midway through her sentence to finish it. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

I placed my arms on the back of the back, looked up at the blue sky and smiled. "Yeah, it really is. Faye? Is this how you imagined your life when you were a kid?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is this how you pictured yourself when you were twelve?"

She shook her head and answered, "No. I thought by the time I was twenty five I'd be married to you. We'd had three dogs, Mat, Stu and Joe, and we'd buy a house by the ocean, or even better. We'd had a boat and travel the world in it. That's the way it should've been."

I should've stay quiet. Don't kick the beehive, said my mother. They will sting, said my mother. What did I do? The opposite of what I was told. "If you really wanted that, you shouldn't have married Scott."

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