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Faye and I graduated from High School at seventeen. We went to Portland State University. She was studying Art, I was studying Architecture. We were happy, a few fights here and there but nothing to worry about. She could always make everything better with her smile, the touch of her hand, and the sweet tone of her voice. Studying at the same University had only brought us closer after people constantly repeating it was a bad idea. We planned it, we did everything we could to get in it together and we did, so everything could not be any more perfect.

My anger, though, had become a problem, but I only recognized it as an issue after one very particular incident.

I was waiting for Faye to come back from her movie group by her dorm door. It was a group of movie lovers who sat around to watch old movies, new movies, bad movies, and then talked about them; they analyzed them from every possible aspect and Faye loved it.

We were supposed to go have a few drinks with some friends. We were nineteen and getting into the "drinking and smoking" part of our youth. Like I've said before, I don't really like the taste of alcohol that much, but when you're nineteen and you don't drink, people start seeing you as a weirdo, and I didn't want to be a weirdo. Especially when my girlfriend knew and spoke to pretty much everyone in campus. There were certain expectations people had when it came to Faye Burton's girl. So I went with it.

I saw her walking down the alley coming towards me, laughing at some joke her friend and roommate, Caroline, had said. We had both dropped our punky-metaly styles by then. She stopped dying her hair purple and allowed her beautiful black hair to fall down her shoulders. I stopped dying my hair black and embraced my brunette, but kept my piercings; the one on my nose, the one on my tongue, and the one of my eyes brow. Faye was wearing dark jeans, a white blouse and a jean jacket. I wore blue jeans, and a black hoodie.

As Faye looked up at me, waiting by her room, she ran to leap into my arms.

I held her up in the air and kissed her.

"Wow, get a room," Caroline commented as she came closer.

I put Faye back on the ground as she said "Sure, but would you mind waiting out here for, let's say forty, forty-five minutes?"

"Man, you last that long?" She joked "Maybe I should try the girl on girl thing."

Faye opened the door and let me in. Went into the bathroom to wash up a little and came out ready to get going. Caroline warned us not to overdo it and sent us on our way.

It was eight thirty when we got on Faye's car and left the campus. She doesn't really like to drive, so I'm always the one driving it, but it was a graduation present from her parents. It was a blue, 2013 Nissan Versa. Used of course, but it still counts.

When we parked in front of the house, we realized it wasn't a 'few drinks'. There was a party going on. The music was loud and you could see the people inside the house dancing and jumping and chatting through the windows. I'm not really that good with parties, so Faye kissed me to reassure me and reminded me that we could leave whenever we wanted to.

The house was filled with people, many of them I knew, many of them I had never seen before. I didn't drink much since I was driving, but Faye became acquaintances with the Cuba Libre George, the guy who organized the party, was making. We were sitting around a group of people talking about stupid things, pretending we knew how the world should be run, bragging about how smart we were. When the alcohol had made its effect on Faye, she stopped the conversation abruptly and said "Excuse me, but I'm gonna dance with my girlfriend."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the improvised dance floor on the living room. She made me put my hands on her hips and threw her arms around my neck. Feeling the movement of her hips beneath my fingers was intoxicating. Feeling her so close to me, making contact over the clothes while our bodies motioned to one rhythm. We danced with our chests breathing together, with our foreheads touching, with our eyes on each other, and the music running through our bodies. I slipped my hands under her blouse to touch her back and kissed her while we danced. She pulled me closer.

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