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I stared at myself in the mirror. My shoes, my jeans, my shirt, my jacket. All of it expelled an 'I'm trying too hard' vibe. The first three outfits weren't any better and I didn't know what to do, I had less than an hour to get ready and every single piece of clothing I owned made me feel awkward, or insecure, or silly. Something that had never happened to me.

I forced myself to take big mouthfuls of air. I was taking this the wrong way. It's Faye. She's my best friend, all my shirts, jeans, shorts, blouses, she knows them all. Hell, she even bough most of them with me, so nothing I'd wear would be a deal breaker. I hoped. In the end, I decided to go with a dark shirt with ¾ sleeves I folded up to my biceps. I also went for dark-gray jeans and low boots. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about doing something with my hair, maybe a ponytail, but decided against it. I put on some perfume and just bit of eye liner.

Ready or not...

I told my dad I was going out, he raised his hand without looking at me, he was too focused in the game. My mom made a joke about me going on a date. I said I was going out with Faye but I didn't add it was an actual date. I kissed my baby brother goodbye and got on Scott's car.

The whole way I felt my heart beating on my throat. I pulled over in front of her home but didn't get out. It wasn't necessary; she was already waiting for me on the porch.

If I could go back in time to one specific moment and live it again, it would be the moment I saw her smile at me. Sitting on her porch's stairs, standing up and walk toward me with that beautiful smile, wearing a white and black dress and a jean jacket. She had straightened her hair and put on makeup, not too much. I always believe Faye was one of those women who actually looked better without makeup on.

She got on the passenger seat and twenty ideas when through my head in less than the seven seconds it took her to sit down. Should I kiss her? And if so, should I kiss her on the cheek, her hand, her lips? No, no, that's for the end of the night and only if she lets me. Should I hug her? Should I not do anything and just say hi? What kind of hi? 'Hey, baby. Looking hot'? 'Heaven most be broken, 'cuz you an angel'?

Luckily for me, she made the first move and hugged me, then pulled away and said. "Let's go?"

"Yeah, sure."

I turned the engine on again and stepped on the accelerator. It was a one hour drive to the beach which meant we had plenty of time to talk. I looked at her sideways, then at the road, then at her, then at the road again. We had been silent for only four minutes but it felt like an eternity. Say something, for God's sakes. Come on.

"You look... uh, you look beautiful tonight." I remember I thought: 'Wait, there's something wrong with that sentence. What is it? Think, think, think' "Not that you don't look beautiful most nights. I mean every night. I mean... You look more beautiful than usual."

She smiled shyly at my failed attempt at gallantry. Only then I noticed she couldn't stop playing with her hands and would lick her lips continuously. She had to be just as nervous as me. She replied "Thanks. You, too. You smell nice."

"I do?" she nodded "I thought I should wear perfume. I don't know why."

"Suits you."


"Great," she repeated and three seconds later, we laughed. How many times had we said 'great' already?

"Sorry, I mean. This shouldn't be awkward, right?" I commented.

"Right! I was just thinking that maybe we're taking ourselves too seriously." She seemed to believe she'd said something wrong because she rephrased "Not that I'm not taking going out with you seriously. I'm just saying that we've known each other our whole lives. It shouldn't be awkward."

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