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"Quit whining!" Scott yelled at me while we stopped at a red light. He ran his fingers through his blond hair while smiling at me. Then placed his hands back on the stir-wheel.

"Why am I here, Scott? I don't even like Kiran." I said from the passenger seat.

"'Cause you're my best friend and I said pretty please?"

Mike laughed on the back seat along with Louise. Bill commented, "Where's Faye, by the way?"

"Grounded. She got a piercing on her lip and mommy and daddy didn't like it." I answered.

"Faye can be such an idiot sometimes," Louise said.

Yeah, she kind of can. Her mom told her she could get a tattoo or a piercing once she was eighteen, but Miss Burton couldn't wait that long, no sir.

We headed downtown to the Marina Hotel. The party was to be held on the first floor with a professional DJ, professional catering and about thirty liters of Coke-Cola that someone would bring to life with rum. Except for one thing, I don't like rum. I don't really like alcohol in particular. Back then I didn't even like beer, I drank because my friends asked me too. I gave into pressure, basically. Nowadays, I can take a cold beer after a long day and relax, or maybe even a few shots of tequila at a reunion, but that's pretty much it.

The party was a Sweet Sixteen for Kiran Michaels, and as you can imagine, I didn't like him. He didn't do anything to me, but two years before the party, he put gum on Faye's hair and I spent the whole afternoon trying every single home remedy for it. In the end nothing worked, so Faye cried for the huge chunk of her hair I had to cut off.

I don't really know what happened to Kiran as we grew up. I heard he went to New York for school, dropped out after a couple of years and started a car wash business. But I also heard he overdosed. People tell stories I guess.

When we arrived, Scott handed the keys to his 2000 Honda Civic to the valet, a car he had bought by working at his father's dealership for almost six months. He didn't spend a dime of his salary for six months. One day he parked in front of my house and yelled "Check out my new wheels!"

Louise had to repeat to me that we were just going in so we could be nice people, because Kiran didn't really have any friends. He was a rich kid with a bad sense of humor but a good heart. Or so Louise said. I had to stop myself from telling her, for the eighth time, "The gum in the hair, Louise. The gum in the hair."

Kiran might not have friends, but almost every kid going to our school went to his party. Mostly because of the DJ and the free gifts for guests, which included an iPod and back in the day, the iPod was the bomb.

As soon as we stepped inside, Scott went to speak to Gabby, a short brunette he had had the eye on for almost two months and the reason he insisted on us going. He thought he'd had a chance if he showed up with friends other than alone and a clear agenda. Bill talked boys stuff with Mark, and Louise abandoned me when she found someone she liked. So I was left alone. After twenty minutes of drinking by the bar and nodding to songs I had never heard before, I decided I wanted to take a deep breath, go outside, relax, and forget I had crappy friends.

I went out and sat on the sidewalk for about five minutes before a beautiful, tall, blond sat a few feet away from me. She pulled out a cigarette and smoked the whole thing before looking at me and asking me "Enjoying the party?"

"Not really. My friends forced me to come. I don't even like the birthday boy."

"You mean my cousin?"

Oops. "Ohm, well, I mean..."

"That's fine. I don't really like him either. He has this nasty sense of humor." She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "Nice to meet you," she said extending her hand "Rosie Carroll."

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