Chapter 2. Loss

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Jason's POV

Running into the hospital i could hear my heartbeat in my ears. My legs felt heavy, and I couldn't move them the way I wanted to. I ran to the emergency rooms reception and while stumbling over my words, demanded to know where my family was. A small girl with short brown hair, dressed in scrubs made her way over to me. "Your Mr Todd correct. I'm Dr Hollie Andrews, we spoke on your phone." She said in a calm voice.
"Yes, my family, are they okay?" I asked her my, anxiety reaching new heights.
"Let's talk over here sir, where there more privacy. She lead me to a small room, kind of like a doctors office. She closed the door and sat down pulling out some papers and envelopes form a folder.
"Please take a seat." She said as I moved to the chair across from her.
"Your wife and son were involved in a serious car accident. This has left them with multiple injuries and I regrets to inform you that your wife condition is critical. She's currently undergoing emergency surgery and our doctors are going to do everything they possibly can to get her back to you safe and healthy." Dr Andrews stated. I could feel my whole world collapsing beneath my feet.
"My son, what about Elliot." I asked fearing I might have already lost him.
"Please don't worry, your son is currently in a stable condition and is expected to make a full recovery." It felt like a massive weight had been lifted from my chest with those words and I could finally breath again.
"But while he is stable he does have multiple injuries." Dr Andrews pulled out a few X-rays from an enveloped and placed them against the light. "Your sons major injuries include a broken collarbone and a ulna fracture in his left Forearm. His more minor ones include whiplash, 2 cracked ribs and then a few cuts and bruises. He's already undergone surgery for the break in his arm. So if you go through airport security, don't worry, your kids not carrying a gun, it's just the pins holding his arm together." She tried to joke.
"How long will his recovery be?" I asked.
"Well, well get him back in after 3 weeks to check how everything is going. We will take the cast off at 3 weeks, then we'll put him in an arm brace. He'll probably have to wear that for about 3 weeks." She informed me. Nodding I moved onto my next concern. His collarbone.
"Hows this going to work with the collarbone. Won't the weight of the cast alone annoy that?"
"Yes. That's why were going to put him in a sling for about 3 weeks. The fracture wasn't sever and it should heal without any need for surgery. The most you can do for that is pain medication, maybe some icing and just being careful with his shoulder. He's going to be a very uncomfortable little boy for a few weeks." She stated turning back to her papers. "These are his prescriptions, you won't have to worry about them until he's discharged, which should be tomorrow morning."
"Should be?" I asked.
"As Long as there's no complications tonight he'll be fine to go."
"What about his ribs and the whiplash?l
"Both very minor. His neck should feel better in a few days, and his ribs will heal on their own just fine, as long as he rests properly." She finished placing the various papers back into her folder and filing it away,
"Okay, now your wife should be out of surgery within the next hour. Until we know more how about we go and see this little boy of your." She stated rising from her chair and opening the door.
"Hey doc, what are my wife's chances?" I asked in a serious tone. Dr A Drew's sighed taking a seat again,
"I'm going to be honest with you. Your wife has come in with serious chest trauma, saver bleeding multiple fractures. I think it'd be best if you did prepare for the worst; but it's not hopeless. Our surgeons will do everything they can. Also I just want you to know, when they were found, your wife had your little boy wrapped in her arms. There's no doubt in my mind, that she save that boys life today." She said in a serious tone. I could feel a strong burning sensation flare up behind my eyes, but I choked the tears down. She wasn't gone yet.


Walking down the hall, We made our way to room A24. The stark smell of disinfectant filled my nose, making me feel uneasy. I've always hated hospitals. I peaked into the room to see the small figure, that was my son, engulfed by shite sheets. The oxygen mask making him seem so much smaller than he was. I took a seat beside his bed. He had a bruise on the side of his head, and a small cut under neath his left eye. Whatever happened in that car, it's clear that his left side was the one that took the blow. "The nurse will be in shortly to check on him. I'll be back later to inform you on any changes to your wife's condition." Doctor Andrews said before she took her leave. I decided to focus on my boy for now. I absentmindedly stroked his hair, as I waited for his clear ocean blue eyes to open and look at me. I decided i should probably call Martinez and let him know what's going on. I also really needed a cigarette. I'd been trying to give up since Lisa didn't like it but I think this situation would be an exception. I walked out the back door of the hospital. There was a small garden an a few sitting areas. Making sure I was well enough away from the building I lit my cigarette. I breathed in deeply holding my breath, before releasing. After a few minutes I found myself slightly more relaxed and took out my phone. I dialed the  number for the shop and waited for it to connect. "You've reached Martins pizzeria this is Marco Martinez how may I help you?"
"Hey Marco, it's Jason." I said unsure of how to proceed.
"Jason, my boy. Are they okay?" He asked, concerned evident in his voice.
"I... I dont know if she'll make it." The tears swelled up in my eyes as I tried my damndest to hold them back. There was a moment of silence before Martinez spoke again.
"I'm on my way over. It'll be okay Jason." He said, before handing up.


I was in Elliot's room when Martinez came running into the room. "Oh, Dio" he whispered to himself as his eyes fell over Elliot. "Is Lisa okay?" He asked concerned.
"I don't know, they haven't told me anything."I sniffed pathetically. "They said she should be out of surgery in half an hour. That was half an hour ago." I turned back to Elliot and began stroking his hair again.
"I'll go ask, you just stay here with piccola Ellie." He said before walking down the hall.

Martinez came back about 5 minutes later with Dr Andrews.
"Mr Todd, may we speak privately?" She asked, her eyes darting over Martinez.
"He's family, he can hear this." I said as she motioned for us to sit down.
"In the accident your wife sustained multiple life threatening injuries, and while our surgical team was working on them they noticed that your wife also suffered a partial aortic disruption; that unfortunately wasn't found until it was too late. I'm afraid that despite the surgical teams best efforts your wife has passed away on the operating table." She said in a way that was somehow calm, sad, and sympathetic. I felt oddly numb. I didn't cry. I felt like i should be crying, but I wasn't. I felt Martinez place his hand on my upper back.
"What do you mean? She can't be gone, she was just here." I asked her.
"Im very sorry for your loss, I'll give you time to process this as a family." She stated before making her way out of the room.
I turned back to Elliot and stroked the back of his hand. A strange anger built up inside of me, it was different or any anger I've felt before. It was different from my anger towards joker, or Bruce, or even that guy that shortchange me at the grocery store. It was like i was angry at my self. For not being there. If I was there then, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
"Jason." Martinez said, bringing me into a hug. His arms engulfed me, making me feel so small.
"We'll figure this out my boy." He said, as I finally felt my emotions come forward, and cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

So I decided that I want to continue this book.
Hope you enjoy the chapter
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Not my art. Full credit to Redjasonhood on deviantart

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