Chapter 1. My Family

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Jason's POV

The rain pelted hard on the roof-tops. Not an unusual thing in Gotham. The air was thick with smog and the warehouse district grew smaller as I made my way back to the safe house. It was a pretty ordinary night. Some guys who think they're 'all that' had been trying to deal drugs in my territory; but let's just say they won't be capable of making the same mistake twice. Sirens sounded in the distance and the occasional helicopter made its way over head. Just another normal night on the bad side of Gotham.

I slowed my pace to a fast walk once the safe house was in sight. This wasn't really a safe house anymore, but more so my permanent residence. Moving every couple of weeks hadn't been so difficult in the beginning, but as circumstances changed we had to make compromises. The compromise being we spend more money on a very good security system. It was probably 6 years ago now when I met Lisa and I can remember the day like it was yesterday.


I walked into one of the stripe clubs I frequented more than others and made my way over to the bar. The usual bartender, Andrea, was there. She had long brunette hair, green eyes and, probably the best feature, good sized breast. Not to big but still more than enough to fit in you're hand. As I surveyed the room I saw a new face. She was dazzling. Soft blonde hair, tied up in a braid, and blue eyes that would put Grayson's to shame. She was small and dainty; petite. She moved with grace and purpose. I motioned to Andrea and she made her way over with the usual smile. "Hey baby J. Can u get you you're usual?" She asked with a wink. "You know me to well Andrea. But I'd also like to know who the cutie behind the car is." I replied as I looked to the graceful blonde. "Firstly, I think you mean 'other' cutie. And secondly, her names Lisa. She started here a few days ago." She leaned in closer to my ear and continued in a whisper "I heard the boss founder her outside of mavericks place all beat up. She wouldn't say anything, about but if you asked me I'd say 'I think he was selling her to those disgusting freaks that maverick calls customers."

Maverick was a guy a few blocks down. He owned a whore house. And not a good one. His customers were brutal pigs that deserve to have their intestines dragged out through their oesophagus. Andrea made her way over to make my drink. I saw her exchange some words with Lisa before she thrust my drink into her hands and made off in the other direction. Lisa turned and looked towards me. She had a look of uncertainty as she made her way over. "Um, sorry. Here's you're drink sir." She said nervously in a voice that must have been a gift from the gods. I stared at her dumbly for a second before managing to get out a thanks. With a little giggle she turned and made her way back to the sink where she was cleaning some glasses. Andrea re-appeared from wherever she snuck off to and made her way back over to me. "I see drool on someone's chin" she pointed out mockingly. "Sh-shut up. Can't a guy think a girl is hot these days?" I defended. Andrea hummed and simply waved off my comment "Chelsea's waiting in the back for you. Said she's expecting a better performance than last time." I rolled my eyes at there and made my way to my conduct 'night activities' with Chelsea.

By the time we were done it was late. Andrea and Lisa were finishing their shifts as I walked out of the strip club. I made my way back to my current safe house, which was only a few blocks away, and changed into red-hoods he up. Slotting the last gun into its holster I made my way into the streets of Gotham. It was a quiet night. The same dank smells, the same shitty weather, and the same old thugs biting off more than they could chew. I was sitting on the ledge of a building listening to a police scanner when I heard it. I scream slicked through the drone traffic and faint beats of music. Jumping to my feet I took off in the direction it came. Grapple Onto an old apartment building I'd found the source. A woman wearing jeans, a backpack and a black hoodie that covered her face was backed into the alleyway with no where to go. "Wrong turn little kitten." The mans voice was grotesque. It sounded as though he had marbles lodged in his throat when he talked. "The boss isn't very happy. He wasn't you back, no matter what." His tongue wiped itself over his lips. The young woman screamed at him "No! Get away from me you monster!" As the creep made his way forward, I made my move. I landed right behind with a thud loud enough to get his attention. Startled, he spun to face me. My gun was already in his face. "Now now, its not nice to scare the ladies, so why don't you just leave." I moved my finger to the trigger and the guy flinched, but he stood his ground. "This isn't any of your business. This whore belongs to maverick. She bears his mark." Everyone knew that maverick had a sick fetish for branding his prostitutes as his own. He'd burn the image of a bound snake curling in on itself into their left shoulders. I'd seen it before. "Look. You and I both know it's only a matter of time before that boss your yours ends up a John Doe so why don't you just hand the girl over to me and you can live." By now I was getting very impatient. Grayson had been in my case about the whole 'don't kill people' thing but that just isn't my style anymore. The man moved his mouth to speak and that's when my patience snapped. I pulled the trigger. The bullet ran straight between his eyes. A look of shock and horror ran across his face before he fell backwards into the ground in a lifeless pile. I looked to the woman and said "you're safe now." I turned to walk away but stopped when she said "no I'm not." I turned back to face her. Her voice was familiar. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes; her beautiful blue eyes. "As long as he's alive. I'll never be safe."

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