A Break

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(Mark's POV) 

I neared my house, and just saw Jack look in awe. I did have a pretty big house... It was a two story, five bedroom, two bathroom house. It was nice inside too. 
As I pulled up, I told him to sit tight while I explain to my mother about the situation and that he'll be staying a while. He told me that was fine. So, I went inside and began to explain. 

(Jack's POV) 

As I sat in his car, my phone went off. It was Felix, thank God. I thought it was gonna be my dad. I answered, and he sounded worried. 

"Why the fuck are there police at your house?!" he asked. "What happened!? Are you okay?!" 
"Yeah, Felix, I'm fine," I replied. 
"You don't sound like it. Where are you?" 
"I'm with Mark." 
"The new kid?" 
"Yeah... He dropped me off today, and ended up figuring it out..." 
"Why'd he drop you off?" 
"He didn't want me ridin' tha' bus with those popular kids after art class today... They beat me up." 
"What?! Why didn't you tell me!?" 
"I was nervous and scared, Felix. I couldn't exactly." 
"So, are you staying with Mark until your dad's court date or something?" 
"I dunno. We'll just have tuh' wait and see." 
"Okay... Well, promise me you'll be okay?" 
"I promise, Felix. I'll tell ya if anything bad happens, okay?" 
"Alright... See ya later, man." 

(Mark's POV) 

After giving a long explanation to my mom, she agreed to let him stay. She told me she had a friend in highschool that went through the same thing and that she wouldn't say no to someone in that situation. 
As I went outside, I saw Jack take his phone from his ear. I guess a friend called him. It's none of my business anyway... 
I got most of Jack's bags and he got the few I left. I sat them in the room I picked out for him. He just admired his room, which looked like this: 

It also had a flatscreen TV on the wall and a chair & table in the corner of the room

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It also had a flatscreen TV on the wall and a chair & table in the corner of the room. He loved it. 

"Wow," he gasped. "This is really nice." 
"Well," I began. "If you need me, I'll be right next door." 
"Thank you..." 
"Don't thank me. Thank YOU for telling me so I could get you out of that." 

He smiled, and I left. 

(Jack's POV) 

After Mark left, I turned on tha' TV and picked out a show tuh' watch. I ended up watchin' Spongebob, like tha' kid I am. 
As it played, I went through my Twitter feed, Facebook, and Tumblr. A lot of people were worried about me... I guess tha' story about my father got spread by the news. There were several posts, such as ones like this: 

"Are you okay, Jack?! Please tell us you're okay..." 

"If you need to take time off, go ahead. You've obviously got something much bigger to worry about than YouTube. Get better first before coming back." 

"I knew something was wrong, due to the bruises in recent videos. I hope you're okay, Jack." 

"We don't care about the videos right now, we care about you and your health. We all want you to get better and THEN come back to us." 

"Wow... some of us had no idea that you were going through something this bad. I hope you're alright." 

"Rest and take it easy. You need to heal before trying to do any more YouTube videos. Get better soon, Jack." 

I smiled as I read through them. I decided tuh' tweet out that I would be takin' a break and such: 

"Hey, guys. Apparently, most of you know by now that something happened and I'm not exactly in the best of shape right now. I'm staying with a friend and I'll try to upload every other day until I get better. I have no idea when I'll be back, but until then, I'll more than likely post vlogs or updates on my situation, just so you don't worry. Please don't worry about me as much, because I'm okay now and am FAR away from my father. And I will rest, so don't worry. I should be back in about a month or so, I don't know as of right now. But, until then, don't worry. Love you guys and thank you for your support!" 

After tweetin' that out, I saw it appear on Facebook, other Twitter pages, Tumblr, and even YouTube. People were makin' videos, reacting to the news update on CNN. What they said still ran along tha' lines of what people tweeted to me. But, that's when I saw Felix's reaction... 
He looked so afraid and scared. I heard what he said... 

"As you all know, Jack is my best friend," he started, on tha' verge of tears. "I cherish him as that, because he helped ME in one of my darkest times, which was the Adpocolypse. I cannot believe that all this time, even when he was helping me, he was dealing with this kind of shit at home... Jack, if you're watching, I'm so sorry for doing that. I wish I'd known. I know I just called you earlier, but you didn't sound okay... I hope you're okay, and..." 

He began crying, and could barely finish. 

"And I just want you to be okay... I can't do this..." 

It showed him turning off the camera and the video ended. I couldn't believe Felix cared about me that much... I really don't deserve it. But, I hope tuh' see him soon, so he'll be okay too... 

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