Next To You

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(Jack's POV) 

I couldn't believe this. Mark had done all of this fer me, and he's only been here a day. No one's ever done somethin' like this fer me before. I wasn't worth all the trouble, tuh' be honest... 


I snapped tuh' my senses and realized Mark was talkin' tuh' me. 

"Are you alright? You seemed to be staring into space there." 
"I'm fine," I lied, flashin' a fake smile. 
"Jack, I know that smile's fake. What's wrong." 

How did he know?! Oh Lord, if I have tuh' end up tellin' him, I'll never hear tha' end of it at school... Especially if it were tuh' be leaked somehow. 

"Mark, I'm fine." 
"Obviously, you're not. Do they do that to you every day?" 
"Whenever they get tha' chance..." 
"Well, from now on, I won't leave you out of my sight. They won't hurt you while I'm around." 
"Why what?" 
"Why are ya doin' this fer me, a guy you just met?" 
"Because I have a feeling that you need someone that'll look after you... I can tell in your videos that something is wrong at home too." 

Oh no. He's gettin' closer tuh' findin' out my secret. 

"But, I guess I'll find that out later. I just want you to know that I'm always here if you need me. And here's my number if you're ever in trouble of any kind." 

He handed me a slip of paper and I entered the number into my phone. Just then, I saw my house ahead. Here we go again... 

"Do you want me to stay out here in case? I have a feeling something's gonna happen." 
"No," I sighed, tryin' tuh' make it seem okay. "I'll be fine." 

(Mark's POV) 

I didn't leave. I ended up parking at a friend's house nearby and walking back over to Jack's place. As I neared the door, I heard Jack cry out again. I KNEW something was wrong!
Jack's attitude had changed over the day, from happy in the morning to upset in the afternoon. I knew it had to be dread of going home. 
I heard another male voice, yelling at him. I couldn't hear anymore. I had to save him. I busted in the door and they both looked at me. I pulled out my taser and told Jack to go get most of his things. The man that was yelling at him did nothing, knowing I wasn't afraid to use the taser. 
After a few minutes, Jack raced downstairs with a couple of backpacks, a shoulder bag, and a suitcase. I asked if he had anymore, and he told me just a couple. After he got the rest, we left in my car towards my house. I didn't go home, in case that guy decided to follow us. 
I called the police and reported it, but for some reason, Jack hadn't wanted me to. I don't know why. That guy was hurting him and it needed to be stopped. 
Wait... now that I think about it, that man looked a bit like Ja... Oh God. That was his dad, wasn't it? I told the police that I think it may be his father. They told me to watch over Jack and report if his dad tried to do anything while he was in my household or at school. I told them I would. 
After ending the call with them, I turned to Jack, who was shaking, hyperventilating, and crying. I hated seeing him like this... 

"Jack, take deep breaths," I instructed him. "If you don't, you'll pass out. So breathe." 

He did so, and after a minute, he was still shakily breathing, but it was a little slower. 

"Now," I began. "What happened in there? Was that your dad?" 
"Yeah," he sniffled. "Mark, if I tell ya, you have tuh' PROMISE me ya won't tell another soul. At least at school, anyway..." 
"I won't, I promise." 
"Okay... but that happens every single day. Lord knows what he's gonna do when my ma gets... Oh shit! My ma! What is she gonna think? Oh God, I'm so scared of what he's gonna do." 

Jack began to hyperventilate again, and I had to try and calm him down. I asked for his mom's phone number so I could warn her not to go home. He told me the number and I called her. 

"Hello," she answered, having the similar Irish accent. 
"Is this Mrs. McLoughlin?" I asked. 
"Yes, this is she. Is there somethin' wrong?" 
"It's about your son and husband." 
"What happened?! And may I ask who ya are?" 
"I'm a fellow student of Jack's, and I found him at home, being beaten by your spouse. I've contacted police and they told me to keep Jack with me until this all blows over. I suggest you don't go home, because your son is worried about what will happen to you." 
"I won't be, trust me. And thank you. But all I wanna know is is my son okay?" 
"Yes. And would you like to talk to him?" 

I handed the phone to Jack, and he shakily took it. I could hear them both when they spoke on the phone. 

"H-Hi, ma," he began. 
"Honey! Are ya alright?!" 
"I-I'm f-fine now, Ma. Mark promised he'd take care of me." 
"Good... I don't want ya anywhere near yer father right now. Yer not badly hurt, are ya?" 
"I am, but it's not all that bad. I can still walk..." 
"Turn on yer camera so I can see. I need tuh' know what that bastard of a husband did to you." 

He hesitatingly  turned on the camera and tried his best to hold it still. I heard his mom gasp and say she would try to come see him as quick as she could.
After she got through talking to Jack, I told her my address and she ended the call. Then, I put my phone away and looked at Jack. 

"I promise you, I won't let him hurt you or your mom. I'll be next to you through it all. I swear to it..." 

He smiled and leaned back in his seat. Then, we made our way to my place... 

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