Welcome To My Life

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(Jack's POV) 

I heard my phone alarm go off, tellin' me it was time fer school. I pressed tha' 'dismiss' button and got up tuh' get ready fer school.
I hoped my father wasn't up yet. I always tried tuh' stop my alarm as quick as possible... I don't want him tuh' yell at me more than he already does. 
I slipped on a cute pink pastel sweater, blue skinny jeans, my white Converse, and my pink flower crown. I looked at myself and noticed the bruises. Looks like I might just need some concealer today... 
After I applied some concealer tuh' my bruises my dad made last night, I grabbed my things and left before he could yell at me. 
No one knows what this is like. Not anyone at my school, anyway. They could care less. 
I just pulled out my phone and earbuds, then clicked on a song as I walked tuh' school. "Welcome to My Life" by Simple Plan. 

"Do ya ever feel like breakin' down," I sang to the song. "Do ya ever feel out of place? Like somehow ya just don't belong, and no one understands you. Do ya ever wanna run away? Do ya lock yerself in yer room? With the radio turned up so loud that no one hears ya screamin'." 

I kept singin' until I got to school. Then, I saw Felix and walked over tuh' him. He looked at my chest, where a stray scratch was. Shit... I forgot to cover that up. I guess I was too pre-occupied with leaving before my dad came upstairs. 

"What's that from," Felix asked, crossing his arms. 
"Oh, just tha' neighborhood cat," I lied, using a fake smile. "I got a little rough with her this mornin'. She's got some claws on her, I'll tell ya that." 

I couldn't tell Felix, or else I'll be sent to an orphanage. Yes, I have both parents, but my ma works all the time and could be charged with neglect. My dad, of course, would be charged with abuse of a child less that 18 years old. I'm only sixteen. 
The bell rang, and I made my way tuh' class. Luckily, I wasn't one of tha' ones people bullied a lot. It was only every once in a while that someone would try tuh' fuck with me. Felix, however, made sure it stopped. 
I sat down at my desk and pulled out my sketchbook. The teacher had a sub today and tha' sub told us tuh' just do anything, as long as it was appropriate. 
I ended up drawin' a picture of an arm, that was cut and had flowers and vines growin' out of the cuts. I liked it. 
After tha' day was over, it was time fer me tuh' go back to my house... Great. More bruises, yay me! 

I got off tha' bus and noticed my ma's car was gone. She's at work again... She'll never know what I go through. I can't tell her, or I'll get us both hurt. My dad said so. 
As I stepped in tha' door, I braced myself fer a hit. And sure enough, it came, but plus more. That was usual. 
I was able tuh' get away after he walked off tuh' drink some more of his life away. I wish he'd just die from alcohol poisonin' er' somthin'.
He always yelled at me, sayin' I wouldn't be as good as my four siblings. I was his least favorite was why he did this. He didn't even want me.
He was actually gonna leave my ma, except that she threatened tuh' take us all back tuh' LA in California or Ireland. We're in Brighton, England now. I wish she did leave him... I wouldn't be like I am if she had. 
Just then, I heard tha' door open. My ma was home. Thank God, or else he would've came upstairs. He never does it when she's around. He doesn't want her tuh' tell tha' police er somthin'. 

That night, I got a text from Felix. He told me that he heard a new kid would be at school tomorrow. He said he came from LA, California, and that he's in our grade. 
He also said he had raven hair, was Korean, and was very popular at his last school. Great... but somethin' told me he wouldn't be a total jackass to me like all tha' other popular kids are. I wonder if that feelin' will be true... 

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