Love at First Sight

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(Jack's POV) 

The next day at school, I met up with Felix. He said he'd already seen tha' new kid today and told me that he was really nice. He pointed him out so I could go talk tuh' him. Felix was always sayin' I needed some more friends besides him, Marzia, Robin, and PJ. 
As I got near him, someone said my name, makin' me turn around and stay in my spot. Unfortunately, me stoppin' made the kid bump right into me, knockin' everythin' out of my hands. And worse, I was next to the wall, so I had hit it and scraped tha' side of my head a little. 

"Are you okay?" a smooth, deep voice asked. 

I looked up to see the kid Felix described last night. He was really cute. This is what he looked like: 

 This is what he looked like: 

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I didn't answer. I was like a deer caught in headlights. He let out his hand, offerin' tuh' help me up. I took it and he pulled me up. He has a lot of strength, too. 
He told me to just regain my composure while he grabbed my books. After I did, I saw all my books in his hands. He smiled at me as he gave them back. 

"Sorry about that," he sighed nervously. "I am a bit of a klutz." 
"No, it was my fault," I replied. "I stopped, makin' ya bump intuh' me." 
"...You have a strong accent. Do I know you from somewhere?" 
"I dunno. Maybe YouTube?" 
"That's where I've seen you! Jacksepticeye, right?" 
"Yeah. And you are?" 
"Mark. Or did you mean my YouTube name?" 
"Either one is fine. But, I'm Sean. Everyone calls me Jack, though." 
"Oh. Well, hi, Jack. And my YouTube name is Markiplier." 
"And, uh, I know this'll sound stupid, but... I need some help." 
"Where to find my classes. I was supposed to find them this morning, but a teacher told me to go outside. She wouldn't let me explain I was a new student." 
"Was that Mr. Lancaster?" 
"He's very fookin' stubborn. He doesn't let anyone explain anythin'. I should know, because I had tuh' have him last year." 
"Oh. Well, could you look over my schedule and point me in the right direction to go first?" 

He handed me his schedule and I compared it to mine, in case we had classes together. And I came tuh' find out that we had ALL the same classes together! 

"You and I have all tha' same classes," I told him. 
"Yeah. They're tha' exact same." 
"Cool. So I just follow you around for the day?" 
"I guess." 

That day actually turned out pretty well, until we got tuh' art class. Since there was only one seat left in tha' entire class, Mark ended up sittin' there. 
Now, that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that I could hear my name bein' used by the popular kids. I could hear what they were sayin' from across tha' room. 

"Does he have to hang out with every guy that comes to this school," a girl said. "For all we know, he could turn them all gay." 
"Yeah," a guy replied. "Maybe we can get that new kid to hang with us and ditch that guy." 

I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't have a guy I like bully me like them... If Mark were tuh' do that, I'd have no idea what tuh' do. Besides, he's probably stronger than I could ever hope tuh' be... 

"Mark?" I began. 
"Yeah," he replied. 
"Can I ask ya somethin'?" 
"Go ahead. I'm all ears." 
"You wouldn't hurt me, would ya?" 
"Of course not, Jack. Why do you ask?" 
"Well, I have a feelin' the popular kids are gonna ask you tuh' join their clique." 
"Let me guess. They bully you, don't they?" 

I nodded. 

"Well, that stops as soon as I hear it, okay?" 

The rest of tha' class, me and Mark just talked as we drew in our sketchbooks. There was about five minutes of class left, and I went tuh' go sharpen a colored pencil tuh' finish my picture. 
Just when I went tuh' sharpen it, I was pushed into tha' wall. I dropped tha' pencil as they spun me around. It was those kids. Oh no... They must've heard me. 

(Mark's POV) 

It's taking Jack a little bit to come back to his seat... I hope nothing happened. But, I decided to go and check. Better safe than sorry, right? 
As I turned the corner to the second part of the classroom, I heard Jack's outcry. It was enough to make hell freeze over. 
I ran to the source, only to find some kids beating him up. I wasn't about to have it. Jack was too kind to have this done to him.
I pushed them away and told them to back off, or they had to deal with me. They apparently didn't have the guts to push me and walked away. 
After they left, I looked over Jack. He now had a dark bruise on his face, some on his arms, a few hand print marks, etc.. But he was crying too, which made me want to fight those kids. But, I knew Jack needed me more. 

"Are you alright," I asked. 
"No," Jack sobbed. 

I picked him up as the bell rang. I sat him in a seat and gathered our stuff. Afterwards, I picked him back up and took him to my car.
I told him that I'd drive him home so he didn't have to deal with those bastards, in case one rode his bus. He told me his address and I figured out it wasn't that far from mine. Just three blocks away. And so, I made my way to his house... 

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