I try again. No answer.

After three more times, she finally picks up.

"Avery?" I breath out, relieved.

"Niall, I just need to tell you. Don't let Ellie have any strawberries, she's allergic to them! If she does have one by chance, her epipen is in the bag with ducky." Avery rambles on.

"Ave I know about her allergy," I chuckle. "We've been over this."

"I'm sorry, I'm really anxious right now, I have no idea what's going on.-" I stop her from rambling again.

"It's going to be alright love. I promise." I say as sweetly as I can.

"Thank you, Niall. You're an amazing friend." I can just picture her smiling on the other side of the phone. "I'll call you when I get a chance, if I take longer just bring Ellie wherever, and text me with updates and-"

I cut her off.

"God Aveey, you're such a mum." I chuckle.

It sounds like she takes a deep breath, surprised by something.

"I'll call you later Niall." She says, hanging up.

I walk back over to where the tiny human was playing.

As a group, we took turns going down the water slides holding onto Ellie. After an hour of going up and down those stairs, we go back over to the splash pad, and Eleanor and Perrie go back and sit down.

"NiNi watch this!" Ellie yells. She runs over to a pole on the other side and presses a button. Why is she pressing a button? Well my question was answered because The next thing I know is I'm soaked with water.

Ellie and Louis erupt in laughter. When I look above my head, there's a bucket that fills up with water.

"I'm going to get you little one!" I joke running after her. She immediately turns around and starts running into the opposite direction.

"Ah Help me Louis!" Ellie screams hiding behind his legs. Louis smiles mischievously and takes a step to the side, Ellie realizes what happens and starts running again.

This goes on for about 10 more minutes. Until finally she finally got tired and plopped underneath one of the umbrella things that spray waters over the sides. I step under the water and go down beside her.

"I'm hungry!" She yells. I don't blame her, the water going around us is pounding.

"Let's go have some food, ya?" I ask her and she nods. I pick the little girl up and walk her to over where the girls and Louis are sitting and its dry.

When I put her on the floor, Perrie wraps her up in a towel and puts her on her lap wrapping her arms around Ellie.

"So, what do ya wanna eat Ellie bear?" I ask her.

"Ellie bear?" Louis asks me raising an eyebrow.

"Yea, Ellie bear. It's like teddy bear, but not." I chuckle.

"I like it NiNi!" Ellie cheers.

"Hey Ellie, why don't I get a cool nickname like NiNi?" Louis questions. Ellie puts her finger on her chin thinking. I wonder what goes on in her head.

"I can't think of one." She shrugs. "Now I want food!" She pouts.

"Hey Ellie, after your food maybe we'll go and take a nap." Eleanor suggests. It's quite evident that the little girl is extremely tired.

"I don't wanna leave!"'she whines.

"C'mon Ellie, you get to come over to our house! And we have a pool, we can get you some water wings and go swimming like a big girl!" Louis says, she doesn't look convinced.

"And," Perrie starts to add. "If you're good, maybe you could have a sleep over with me and Eleanor. How does that sound to you baby?" Ellie finally uncrosses her arms.

"Can we be princess?" She asks.

"Of course!" Eleanor and Perrie say at the same time.

"And make cookies?"

"I'll make those with you!" I offer.

"And Louis and NiNi come to a tea party?" She asks, I can see it. The evil look in her eyes. That look when she first put a crown on me at that tea party.

"Well, n-" I go to refuse but Louis stops me.

"Of course Ellie!" He cheers.

"Okay, now food!"'she demands.

"Niall you sure she's not your daughter?" Louis jokes and I glare at him. "What, too soon?"


"Take a left here." I tell Zayn. When he turns on my street all I can see is fire trucks and police cars. What?

Zayn parks a few houses down from mine and we both get out. The closer is get to my property, the more I see it. Well what's left of it.

My house, my beautiful home. Where I wanted to see my baby girl grow up, is nothing but a pile of ash.

My precious house, burnt down.

A/N: So I really don't like this chapter

But like how cute is Ellie? And how cute is Niall with Ellie?


And k I know it seems like Ellie talks a lot for only three, and she's still like little and all that but I work with three year olds and they some can literally have full conversations with me. It's not always the best grammar but like they can express themselves well! :))

Im going to try to update more frequently.

And is there any 5sos fans here? Cause like I have three 5sos fics that imma post :))

Ones an Ashton one, ones a Michael one and the other is Calum

Please check them out!!

Comment/vote/love one another

(((15 - 20 votes for next chappy)))

(((((Thank you for all the reads, like man this is ballin))))))

PEACE love and hope


Twitter: @//Lexx5sos

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