Chapter 2

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As Winn sat down and began typing on the computer, Kara felt a mix of emotions. The last time she felt like this was back in high school when she had her first crush. A crush she'll always regret since he 'broke her heart'. But she was only a sophomore that didn't know any better. Kara was then snapped back into reality, when she heard the computer beep repeatedly. "What was that!" She asked in shock. "When I said I 'found his coordinates', I wasn't joking." Winn answered her. Maggie then spoke up, "I'll go get Alex" she stated then running off. "Well where is he?" The superhero asked. "I located him in between the realm of stars and the phantom zone" he stated then clicking on a little red dot that showed where exactly he was but zoomed in. Before Kara could speak up Winn kept explaining. "That doesn't mean he'll end up in either one, the pod can take him anywhere, but for now, all I can tell you is that he's safe" he finished. His best friend let out a little sigh of relief as if she was holding it in for months. Literally. "For once I get some good news" she stated. Winn let out a laugh. "Thank you so much Winn." she said gratefully. Winn smiled warmly at her. "Of course." After walking away to finish a conversation with her hologram mother, Her super hearing picked up the sound of police cars and ambulances. Kara groaned. "Ugh, now?!" She then ran back over to Winn. "I have to go, tell Alex I need to talk to her later on" she told Winn franticly. After him nodding, she sped off, thinking to herself, why would anyone commit some sort of crime when there's a flying, Laser shooting, super hearing, along with super strength superhero? That's one thing she'll never understand.


It turns out that it wasn't any sort of crime, just a car accident that wasn't too bad. Thank Rao! Kara got everyone to safety and even talked to the press so they won't make anything up. When she got back to the D.E.O, Alex came running to her-she knew why. "Winn told me the news. Everything will be okay. Come here" Alex said softly before wrapping her little sister in a hug. "You have no idea how much I needed that" Kara said after pulling away. "You also need sleep. The good kind" She told her. "Now that I know Mon-el is safe, I'll be able to" she assured her. Alex only looked at her. "Are you sure? I can com-" Kara cut her sister off. "You go be with your fiancé. I'll be okay". With a nod the agent gave in. "Well, alright then, be careful, going home. I heard there was supposed to be a storm" Alex told her sternly. She nodded. "I should get going then, I don't wanna be caught in the middle of it. Call me if anything happens!" She told her sister. After an "I love you" and "be safe" Kara was off. It only took a few minutes after she landed in her apartment before the rain started falling. "Thank Rao" was all Kara said since she hated being Caught in the rain. It's actually funny because she's a hopeless romantic and one thing she always wanted was to be kissed in the rain. She watches too many romantic movies to have high expectations like that. As kara settled in, her phone rang. It was Alex. "Already? What's wrong?" She asked worriedly. "A pod just crashed. You need to come right away!" Was all Alex told her before hanging up. "Wait, Alex-"Kara couldn't even finish her sentence since the line went dead. She then changed into her suit and flew to the D.E.O. After landing, Kara sped in and asked for details. "The pod crashed in the field where you did when you first arrived." Alex told her. That was when John walked in. "I want you to go alone." He told her. Kara gave him a look. "Um okay?" She answered in confusion. Kara walked to the balcony and took off. After landing what she saw made her blink. It was Mon-el. He was alive!

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