Seeing my best friends again.

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Written by thatsmoothie
Todays the day sarah and ellie come to visit us but i think they are mostly excited about bangtan as long as they dont go crazy we should all get through it in one piece...

A few hours later we drove down to the park we were meeting at to pick them up

Sarah: Alex hi!
I ran and hugged them
Alex:hey you two

Im more worried for Ellie rather than sarah since shes the crazy one but we will see how she gets on.

While we were in the car they were telling me about their hotel and its lack soap a bit random but oh well
I told them both about bangtan and lets just say they both got excited
Ellie:hows tae tae?

I smirked

Alex:why do you wanna know

Everyone laughed

Sarah:i cant wait
Ellie: me either

We finally got to N Seoul tower where we were supposed to meet the guys suddenly sarah leaned over to ellie
Sarah: all of our dreams are coming true at once!!!

Suddenly we heard a big bundle of shouting
suga: shut up all of u
Rap mon:HEY
jin: i want food
Jungkook: ALEX

i laughed hoping no one was staring though
Alex:can u come here instead of screaming?

They all walked over

Yo it's Alex. So if you guys don't know I have two other people logged into this
account specially to write this story with me. I suggest you go follow them as they are two of my best friends. ShadowSarah123 thatsmoothie . Love ya both xxx

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