Trying to tell Jungkook...

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This part was written by the totally awesome ShadowSarah123 😂
So, today is the day.
I'm gonna have to tell Jungkook sooner or later so, why not today?

Once I got to the studios to find the guys I bump into someone..

"AH! I'm so so so sorry!" I say quickly without looking up.
"It's fine Alex,"
I looked up and I'm officially Jungshook
"Oh, hey Jungkook!" I said, "err, I kinda need... umm to tell you something..."
"What's Up Alex?"


"Well, Jungkook, I have made my decision."
A smile covered his face.

i feel sooo guilty..

"Jungkook, I have chosen... Jimin.."
His face was filled with sadness.

"Jungkook, I'm sorr-"
Before I could finish he turned and ran.

What have I done?

———this part was written by alex————

I'm sorry kookie... You're more like a brother to me...

Mine ~ Park Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now