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Brooklyn's P.O.V

After Newt has shown me around and introduced me to some people we reach Alby who says to me that he would like to see me, Christina and Riley and have a talk with us tonight.

Me, Christina and Riley follow Alby to a place called the gathering room. He tells us to sit down and listen to what he has to say. All of a sudden Gally walks in the room, a smile plastered to his face "Hello shanks" he says to us smirking. I really want to slap him in the face right now but I control myself and just stay still and seated.

Alby starts, "we've brought you girls here to have a chat about your memories. Is there anything anything else you guys remember except for each other?" We kind of all look at each other for a second."I don't know about you guys but I remember parts of my past life like my mother, father I even had a brother." I responded. "The memories are blurred but I remember their names and what they look like."

So Alby continues "you remember being at home with your family?". "Not exactly" I say "All I remember is being taken away from them" "Me too" Riley replies " Me as well" Christina says.

"Bullshit!" Gally shouts. "Shut up shank face" Alby says to Gally raising his voice. "Yeah, no one was speaking to you douchebag!" I say getting out of my seat, annoyance in my voice. "Be quiet both of you!" Alby shouts at us. I sit back down, but shoot a glare at Gally who does the same back. "Now that you've both settled down, can you three tell me  you remember." Alby asks us "Why should we tell you?" Christina snaps and storms out of the gathering room. "CHRISTINA WAIT!!" Riley shouts as she runs out the room after Christina. "Sorry about that" I say turning to Alby "GUYS WAIT FOR ME!!" I shout after them, running out of the room.

"Christina what was that for" I ask her."I'm telling him fuck all" Christina answers."What's up shanks" Minho says strutting over to us with Newt and Thomas by his sides. "What the fuck is a shank?" I ask Minho confused. "It's just glader slang." He answers. "Why would you need that when you can just swear normally?" Christina asks "What's—" "What are you here for anyway" I cut Minho off. "Oh we're going to take Brooklyn and Christina to meet some of the other Gladers" Newt replies.

Me and Christina leave with Newt for our tour whilst Riley goes with Thomas and Minho to hang with the other Gladers. Newt takes us on on a short tour, afterwards Christina goes over and talks to Thomas. I sit down and Newt sits down next to me.

"Do you hear that?" Newt asks pointing at the North door. "What?" I question. All of a sudden  all the doors start to close. "The Maze it changes every night that's why we have runners to study the maze in hope to find a way out." Out of curiosity I ask him, "how long have you be here?" He pauses for a moment " 3 years" Newt answers.

"Hey Newt."! Two boys come running over to us. "Hey Jeff, hi Clint." Newt waves at the two boys. "You must be one of the New greenie's, I'm Jeff and this is Clint." Jeff gives me a little wave. "I'm Brooklyn." I smile at Jeff and Clint. "Brooklyn Gally wants to see you, but I have a feeling it's not for you two to say sorry and then become besties" Clint says, panting slightly after running.

"Oi greenie, get over here!" Gally shouts over to me. Just as I'm getting up to go Newt grabs my arm "I'm not so sure that's such a good idea, Gally can be quite brutal when he doesn't like you" "Trust me I'll be fine" I say giving him a reassuring smile "I'm tougher than I look, and so are Riley and Christina, so don't worry about me. Go hang with Jeff and Clint and I'll be back soon hopefully in one peace" I say walking off. I'm not as brave feeling as I was making myself self sound but I'm sure I'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen anyway?

(A/N) Hi everyone we're so sorry that we haven't updated in almost a week 😫. Also this was sorta just a filler chapter and a little bit short, but we hope you all enjoyed it anyway. See you all next time.:)) Xx

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