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Riley's P.O.V


As we arrive to the little wooden hut, I see two boys standing out side. One of them turns to look at us and says "Ooh Minho, have you got yourself a girlfriend". The other one turns around and says "I that you're getting with the first one that you saw" " Shut up you shanks and just take a look at her head will you" Minho moans at them.

"Sure thing Minho let's see her then" the first one says. Minho puts me down on the ground and the two boys kneel down looking at my head. "Who are you guys anyway" I ask the two boys. " I'm Jeff and he's Clint" the second one says pointing to his friend. "We'll take care off her Minho".

Jeff and Clint fix up my head by wiping my head with an old piece of cloth and warm water. "Ah fuck." I mumble under my breath, I can feel the water stinging in my cut.

I turn to see both my friends are being pushed away by two Guys one called Gally the other I don't know the name of. I ask both Clint and Jeff what's happening to them. They reply saying "they're being taken to the slammers".

"Slammers?" I question.

"They're where your taken if you have broken our rules". What did they do wrong I wonder. Surely they couldn't of done something that bad to be taken to the slammers.

"Are you ready Greenie" Minho calls as he runs over. "I don't usually do the tours but Alby and Newt are having a meeting so I hope I'll be just as good as them". "Maybe I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been tackled be someone" I say sarcastically. "Yeah sorry about that." Minho says whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey its fine." "Seriously?" Minho questions. "Yes seriously," I say playfully slapping his leg.

"Now on with this tour", I start walking off leaving Minho standing awkwardly with Jeff and Clint. Minho quickly follows after though, when he catches up I turn around and shout "Thanks Jeff, Thanks Clint." The two of them wave after us.

Jeff And Clints P.O.V

"I ship it," Clint says whilst waving at Riley. "Me to Clint!" Jeff says a little to excited.

"Well we should probably get back to work but maybe Minho's not the only lucky one we could get with the other two." Jeff exclaims. "I liked the one with the bitchiness she was cool."Clint says whilst jumping around with excitement. "Yeah never gonna happen, but i thought the quiet one was cute."Jeff whispers. "Yeah and you think that's going to happen, I already saw Newt all over that." Clint says sarcastically. "Blah, Blah, Blah I can't hear you", Jeff Sticks his fingers in his ears and start to walk into the little hut leaving Clint outside. "Your no fun", Clint moans. "Aww Jeff wait up". Clint runs into the hut after Jeff shutting the door behind him.

Riley's P.O.V


Minho showed me around the whole Glade and I soon found out that they called themselves the Gladers.

He showed me Frypan's kitchen, where the builders worked , where the shower's and toilets are, the Hammocks and even set me up a Hammock for me next to him and then he took my off for a look around the Deadheads.

"Well I think that's enough for one day," Minho slides down a tree so he's sat at the bottom. I decide to sit down next to him.

"Minho why were my friends being taking to the Slammer and why are Newt and Alby having a meeting"? I question. "Oh you haven't heard Brooklyn and... what was the other one"s name?" "Christina" I answer. "Right well Christina and Brooklyn have been taken to the slammer because the pair of them thought it would be a good idea to throw our supplies about." "Right and the Meeting"?

"Oh yes that too, Well Alby thought it would be a good idea to gather all the Keepers together and discuss how the hell you three remember each other and why they sent us a group of girls and why we have more greenies a day after Thomas our newest well not anymore but was our newest Greenie and honestly i should be at the meeting but Alby thought I should watch you incase you decided to pull a stunt like your friends did."

"So you're a Keeper i guess."?

"That would be correct, I'm the keeper of the runners!" he whispers. I look out to the opening where Minho had told me the Maze was, and i couldn't help being curious about it.

Myself and Minho just sat under the tree looking out over the glade. It was peaceful in the Deadheads and the quiet chats of the Gladers made me feel the calmest I have since arriving and before we new it the sky was getting darker.

"Well we should probably start heading back so you three can meet everyone in the glade" Minho says whilst standing up. "ok" I reply.

"HEYYYY!" I hear someone shout. "Christina!" i say sprinting off in the direction her out came from.

Brooklyn's P.O.V


"HEYYYY." Christina shouts probably a little bit louder than needed. "Owww you're pulling my hair!" she shrieks, again way to loud.

I see Riley running out of a group of Trees.

I manage to pull away from this strange boy and sprint of to Riley. "What happened I heard Christiana shouting"

"Oh she was just shouting about how he was pulling her hair." I say pointing at the tall boy. "That's Thomas" another mysterious boy come's up behind us pointing at Thomas?

"I'm Minho by the way" he extends his hand to me and I shake his hand "Brooklyn" I reply.

"Why the hell were you pulling my hair." Christina shouts at this Thomas. "Oh i'm sorry." Thomas replies raising his voice. "Maybe we should go and brake that up" Riley implies to Minho "I think you're right".

Minho and Riley start to walk of towards the two of them. "Maybe you should go and speak to Newt he Could give you a quick a tour." Minho calls over to me. "Who?" i call back. "The blonde one"! Minho says pointing over to Tall boy with blonde hair back faced to us. I turn back to shout over to Minho but he's already over at Christina and Thomas.

I decide I might as well go over and talk to him since i have know one else to talk to.

"hi  " I ask awkwardly his back still faced to me. The boy quickly turns around to face me, "Oh, eh hi  "

"Wait you're the boy how pulled me back earlier from following my friend," I say confidently. "Well i prefer to be known as Newt and it looks like you should have stayed with me then maybe you wouldn't be in so much trouble and having to spend you're first day in the shuck slammer." He says to me. "Well Newt, Minho told me to come over and speak to you said you would give me a tour of something." I ask quietly. "I would say yes on the tour normally but it's getting late and our little gathering is about to start, so why don't you come with me and we can wait till you're friends come over." I nod my head and start to follow newt.

(A/N)  Hi everyone we hope all of you enjoyed this chapter if you did please leave as a comment and send us some future ideas, also who's your favourite character so far.? And remember to follow us and Vote for our story. XX see you all next time.

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