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Brooklyn's P.O.V


I open my eyes it's dark, I feel the cold metal underneath me. I see two figures beside me but I can't pin point who they are until one of them shifts into the faint bit of light.

"Ughhh my head" she says I know that voice


"Omg Brooklyn is that really you" She states

"Mmmmmm guys shut up! I'm trying sleep here" the other silhouette says "well can't you see we are in a bit of a fucking situation!" Riley says. The two of them argue.

" OMG Christina is that you" I say.

"Well nah who else would it be." Christina moans" "Well I see you haven't lost your sense in bitchyness !" Riley says.

As the two start to argue even more I know I have to do something to break this up.

"Guys shut the fuck up and help me figure where the hell we are."


As me an Christina are rummaging around look for clues out of this place I hear Riley say "guys what's that noise" she says whilst pointing up at the top of the unusual metal box.

All of a sudden the box comes to a sudden stop and the three of us fall backwards and land flat on our butts.

Then a buzzing noise piercing my ears occurs and the top of the box swings open in a double door motion and the bright light from the sun comes peering in blinding the three of us.

I put my hand up over my eyes to try and block out the blinding sunlight.

I hear someone jump down into the box landing with a loud thud.

"It's a group of girls?" I hear him say. There is a lot of whispering from up top. Hear people comment "are they hot" "I call dibs on the hottest" " Is there seriously girls down there" "get them up here!"

The boy kneels down in front of us and says "I'm Gally"!. Riley says "isn't it a bit early for proposals in this relationship!" "When was the last time you went to the eyebrow salon" Christina questions. "Haha very fun now which one of you princess wants to go first". We look over to see a rope that had been lowered down.

"Well princess beauty should of course go first." Riley says. "Oh so I guess you mean me then." Christina says "in your wildest dreams honey.!"

I hear a voice in the distance say "oooo did I just hear some sass I call dibs."! "Shut up Minho" Gally shouts.

Moments later I see Riley put her foot in the loop at the end rope and being pulled up to the top.  "Holy shit" I hear Riley mumble.

"Ok which princess is next" Gally says

I quickly point at Christina and say "her". "Why me," Christina moans. "Who the hell do you think I am." "Ok, Ok I'm going." And Christina starts to make her way over to the rope.

When she gets to the top I hear her say "ehhh what's that smell."  "It's called boys honey". I hear Riley say from the top.

Gally turns to me, "I guess it's just you left."

I get up to go over to the rope and Gally puts his hands on my shoulder's spinning me around and asks "do you want some help Princess." "Nah I'm good and stop calling me princess my names Brooklyn." He lets go of my shoulders and I make way to the top.

When I reach the top I look around and see about 50 teenage boys staring at us. It's humiliating. I guess that Riley was thinking the same thing as next thing I know she is running to an opening in the distance.


Christina turns to me and gives me a look that says "let's follow". Before I can reply with an answer she's grabbed my wrists and started to pull me away with her, but I feel strong arms grab my waist and pull me back wards. Christina runs off and finds a big wooden tower and climbs up it, and before I know it the boys have went after her.

I hear the boy who is holding me say "where the bloody hell did you think you where going".

(A/N) Hey guys we hope you enjoyed this first Chapter sorry it's short. Sorry if it's shittt we're trying and this is our first ever story. Xx

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