Truth or Dare.!

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Newt's P.O.V

It's been about 1 hour since the doors have been shut and Ben was banished, Myself, Brooklyn, Riley, Minho, Thomas, Christina, Jeff, Clint, Frypan and Chuck were all sitting on the grass bored, "Why don't we play TRUTH OR DARE!" Riley shouts abruptly. "I'm down for that." Frypan says leaning back, "Same here." Minho says smiling, I look around at everyone else and they all seem to be nodding their heads.

"I'll go first." Riley says raising her hand excitedly "Go on then" Christina says rolling her eyes sarcastically. "Ok, Brooklyn truth or dare?" Riley says pointing at her. "Em, truth.." She says nervously "ugh boring" Riley moans "ok, ok calm down, give me a dare." Brooklyn says interrupting Riley.

Riley claps silently then speaks up "Ok fine, I Dare you to Kiss Newt." (WAIT WHAT!!!) I scream to myself. "Eh Yeah, nooo." We both say at the same time "Oh come on Newt." Frypan says. I just sit there rubbing my hands not knowing what to say or do then all of a sudden Brooklyn kisses me on the side of the cheek I can feel the excitement rise inside of me, Oh shuck it. I turn around and Kiss Brooklyn properly on the lips everyone just seems to stare.

Once our lips part I smile down at Brooklyn then she says "Ok Minho I Dare you to Kiss Riley."

"Hold on there you didn't even ask if I wanted a truth or dare!" Minho says sarcastically. "Ok well we're playing Dare or Dare" Brooklyn says making herself more comfortable on the grass.

Without any hesitation Minho Kissed Riley, he slowly went to put his hand on her arse but she slapped his hand so he put it on her lower back. After god knows how long of them kissing they pull away. "You know, you really could have given something harder than that" Riley says smugly. "I'm sorry" Brooklyn says rolling her eyes.

"Someone give me one" Chuck says over excitedly "Okay" says Christina "I dare you to play a prank on anyone you like, that's not in this group right now" Chuck scrunched up his face thinking who to prank "I'VE GOT IT" He shouts "Calm down Chuckie, do you want everyone to hear you?" I chuckle. "Sorry" He whispers "So who's it gunna be?" Christina asks, raising her eye brows.

Chuck says the last person I'd want him to say "Gally" "Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Jeff asks Chuck "Yeah, Gally isn't the best person to prank" Clint agrees "As good as it would be to see it happen, I don't think it's the best idea either" Frypan states. Chuck just looks at the ground, a glum expression on his face. "You know what, I think it's a great idea" Brooklyn pipes up "I'll come and do it with you" She smiles over at chuck who looks like he could almost burst with excitement "Eh no your not" I turn to look at her "Eh yeah I am, aren't I chuck" "Yes she is" Chuck nods "So am I, since I gave the dare" She aims mostly at Thomas. He just rolls his eyes. I'm shocked at how bloody stupid these all are, don't they see how horrible of an idea this is. "I'm coming two" Riley says "No you aren't" Minho turns to her "Make me" She raises her eyebrows confidently "Okay" Minho smirks kissing her.

"Well I guess she isn't coming then." Christina says walking of with Brooklyn and Chuck. "GOODLUCK, getting yourselves killed." I shout over, Brooklyn turns around and waves at me sarcastically I just roll my eyes. "We'll go and get the first aid kit ready." Jeff and Clint say walking off giggling. "And I'll get dinner ready." Frypan walks off. Minho and Riley just make goo goo eyes at each other so I decide to leave as well and hope that Brooklyn, Chuck and Christina are still alive.

Christina P.O.V
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The three of us walk around for a little bit looking for Gally, then Chuck spots him walking over towards the toilets at the the back of the homestead. "What the hell do you have planned Chuck." Brooklyn says quietly "Just shut up and stay close." Chuck says, myself and Brooklyn both roll our eyes and follow the little podgy boy.

The unexpected arrivals /// Maze runner Fanfic.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon