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"Welcome everybody to the One on One tournament!" The annoncer yelled. I heard the cheers from outside. I grasped my fingers against another. I looked and saw how everyone was getting warmed up. I looked at the ceiling, Please just let me win.. Just so I can tell these people that a different hair colored girl can do greater things! I begged. I then heard a name being called out. A person then tapped my shoulder and I looked, "You're up." He said and I nodded and put my hair in the helmet, placing it on top of my head. I made my way over to a room. I began to stretch my arms and bend from side to side. "Next up. Is.. Victoria! Come on out Victoria!" This is it!

The doors opened and I stepped forward. The crowd stopped clapping and cheering and looked down at where I was. I saw my opponent and realized that it was the same guy as before. The one who paid for my entree. "Seems like Victoria is a little girl." The annoncer said. I growled and pointed up at the speaker, "I am seventeen!" I screamed the crowd began to whisper. "Uh.. My bad. Oh, miss you can't wear any spectacles inside the arena."

"I can live." I said and walked up more. The damn man smirked down at me. He cracked his knuckles, "Can't wait to fight a mini Airbender!" He chuckled. I placed my hands in a stance, one behind my hip the other in front. Breathe... He's just gonna mess with ya. Just calm down and remember what my step father taught me. I thought and closed my eyes, trying to relax my muscles. "Um... alright. *Cough* Uh begin!" There was a sound of a bell and I opened my eyes. I saw a bolder running towards me. I dodged it quickly. I then looked back at the man and saw that he kicked up another. Crap! An Earthbender! I struggled hard in going against my younger sister who was one as well. My step father then told me, "They are heavy on their feet. You are light. You'll feel how much chi they'll produce." I gulped and then whipped around the second chunk of earth. The man laughed loudly, "Let's see you dance, Victoria!"

"Go suck a butt!" I screamed back. I heard gasps within the crowd. "Ohh! Such foul words!" The man said and faked a hurt look. "I'm sad now!"

"Stop talking!" I whipped into my stance again, "Let's fight!" The man licked his lips and then kicked up three large rocks. I'm screwed! I then remembered that one time. They have heavy footing. I have light, I could speed past.

I smirked and then quickly had my hands back behind me. The rocks started coming closer and then I went out in a dash. I then collected the air and then stopped in front of the rocks and then slung my arms forward, the wind broke through the rocks and pushed them back towards the man. He gasped and shielded himself with another piece of earth. "How'd you do that?! Airbenders can't do that!"

"I've learned it." I said and then whipped my arms aside. I smiled, "My turn." I then let the air flow through my fingers, I twirled a bit. "Hah! Dancing again?!" The man laughed. I then snapped him a look. After I swirled all the air around, I then pushed it towards the man. He jumped around it and slung his rock crap again. This is annoying! I'm not gonna get up to him to get a hit! I growled under my breath and slid under the rocks. I went back in my stance and then started to think. What should I do? I can't fly inside because it's against the rules... I can't land a distant hit. I have to commit to the close range then.. "What are you thinking about Victoria? Thinking about beating me! That one thing you did was amazing I got to admit. But you're a whittle Airbender, you can't defeat anyone!"

I felt something snap within me. Before I knew it I kicked up and released a hole bunch of wind. It collapsed into the man's stomach and made him fall off the stage. "Wow! Victoria just wiped Guo off the ring! Victoria wins." I sat there as claps and cheers flowed. I tried to regain my breathing and then smiled and wiped a tear. "She is now going to the second match up! Make sure you see her soon!" The people clapped and a woman came after me, "Honey you're finished. Come and rest up." I nodded and followed her. I felt a heavy gaze on my back, I knew straight away that it was the Earthbender.

The Golden Haired Airbender Book 1Where stories live. Discover now