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The next day I woke up to loud clatter noises. I sat up and scratched my eyes a bit. I yawned and stretched as well. I then went over and grabbed my glasses and then went over to the other side of the room to change out my gown. Once I did, I exited the bedroom and went to the hall. "Come on now kids! Mama's not in the mood this morning!" I heard. I walked into the kitchen and Tenzin's wife smiled, "Hello Victoria! I was just getting breakfast ready." I laughed a bit, "I'll pass. Plus I have to see around the city." I said. She gave me a confused look, "Now?"

"Well I guess." I shrugged. Tenzin's wife then smiled a bit again, "I hope you have a great time then." She said and I went over to the front door and walked out. I was about to go get Mia, but I realized that flying a sky bison in the city is a huge no. It'll crush the buildings with one sit. I then decided to walk there. I followed a small path and   saw the nearest building. I smiled and looked at the sky. I really want to know it's history. I thought.

After a long walk, I ended up in the middle of the city's traffic. I heard honks as I walked across and I jumped back. I sighed and then looked at the buildings, my head craned back. I gazed at its amazing metal and saw all the automobiles that passed. "This is amazing..." I mumbled and then walked inside a random cafe area. Thank god i brought my money with me on this trip. I sighed and sat down near the window. This is so beautiful! How come it's the most dangerous place around? I asked myself and then over heard some conversations. One came out to me though.

I listened carefully, still looking outside. "The next tournament is today! I can't wait!" I heard a male voice speak. Another voice came, this time a female. "I hope we win this one."

"Isn't the avatar in this one as well?"

"Yes... But don't give up hope you guys."

The tournament is today? I smirked and then grabbed the menu, Better get into it after this. I thought. The waiter came around and I told him my order. I then leaned back and placed my arms over my head, I can't wait till I whoop some butt! That's when I heard a cough and then a sound of someone sitting across from me. My eyes snapped to the stranger, it was a man with a mustache. "Excuse me, are you an Airbender?" He asked and I looked aside, "What do you want?" I asked, not necessarily answering the question. I wasn't that good with introducing myself anyways. "Well I wanted to know if you're doing today's new tournament." I looked over at the man. "Why? Do you want to be my partner?"

"N-No... Some guys over there wondered is all." I looked over to where he pointed and saw three wimpy looking boys. One bad freckles and the others had messed up hair. I groaned and looked at the man. "Why are they asking me? There's other Airbenders around here." The man was stuttering on his words, "Y-You're the only one with the attire here." Oh yea... Crud! I growled, "I rather work alone." I said and crossed my arms, "I'm no good with partners anyway." I scoffed. The man fidgeted. "I-I'll go tell them." He said and got up. I saw the waiter place my meal down. He then adverted his eyes to the top of my head. I glared, "Would you stop staring?"

"I'm sorry mam... It's just your hair is so gold." The waiter said and scratched his neck. I puckered my lip, "I know. I was born with it." I said and shooed him off. He walked off and I closed my eyes and breathed out. I some how have to hide my hair from others... I felt all eyes on my head. I grabbed a load of it and tried to hide it under shirt. I then saw an abandoned hat. I quickly went over and grasped it. I placed all my hair under the cap. I then coughed and started digging into my meal.

The Golden Haired Airbender Book 1Where stories live. Discover now