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When I was done with my meal. I followed the signs to the tournament. I approached the building and stared at the sign. I saw how big the reward is. I gaped and then coughed and walked up to the reception desk. I was so small, that I had to get on my tip toes and reach. The woman glared at me. "You signing up?" I nodded and looked around. She started writing things and then looked over at me, "Money?" I dropped down and searched my pockets. Ah crap! I wasted all my money on the food! "Uh..."

"Where is it kid?" She asked and I frowned, "I-"

"I got it!" I jumped as I saw a large hand slam down the dollars. I looked up and saw a buffed dude. I narrowed my eyes, "Who are you?" I asked and he smirked, "A friend." The lady processed some things and then gave us our badges. She also looked at the hat I wore, "Also no hats aloud inside the stadium." I flinched, "But... I have bad hair-"

"Bad hair or not, no hats." The lady said and I groaned and then grasped the hat. I snapped it off my head. I heard the tall guy gasp and the lady make a noise. "Have fun." She said. I grumbled under my breath. Then the tall male wrapped his arm around me, "Such beautiful hair for a lovely girl." He said and I glared up at him. I then snapped his arm away and stamped inside. Music blared throughout the place. I looked around and saw groups with armor looking outfits. I also saw that their was helmets. I saw a one on one battle. I smirked and made my way over. "Oh? Lone wolf?" The man said and I saw that his friends came up around him. I scoffed, "You could call me that." I said and left. I walked up to the booth and a small boy was behind the counter. "Hey mam! One on one?" He asked and I nodded. He then gave me a pass. "The changing room is to your right." He said and pointed towards the back, "Your match will begin in thirty minutes."

"Alright. Thank you." I said and walked towards the back. I opened the door to the locker room. All the girls stared at me for a quick bit before going back to what they were doing. As I walked around to find the outfits, laughter came. "Look at her hair!"

"Is it real?"

"It looks fake."

I closed my eyes angrily as I went around the corner. I should just cut my hair, or have a hood! Suddenly I felt something like a wall run into me. I fell on my butt and rubbed it. "Hey watch it!" I yelled and looked up to see a tan girl with a water tribe attire. "Oh I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" She reached her hand down at me. I puckered out my lip. I have a feeling she'll make fun of me too.. I slowly took her hand. She hoisted my body up with no problem. I brushed off my butt, "Thanks...." I mumbled. That's when she made a noise. "I've never seen hair like that..." I called it. "Well I am just born with it-"

"It's so cool!" My eyes widened in shock. Did she say cool? The woman then grasped my hair and rubbed her index finger against the strand. "It's smooth too! How'd you do it!? Could you tell me if it's genetic!?" I didn't know what to say, no one acknowledged my hair. I felt her let go and continue to ramble about how amazing my hair was. Those girls who talked about me just giggled. "Alright... It's genetic.."

"Awesome! I want to know if it's your mom or your dad." I rubbed my left arm. "I didn't get this hair from either of them.." The woman's eyebrows raised. "Oh... Sorry." She then pointed towards her chest, "My name is Korra! I'm the avatar!" I blinked at her, "You're the one he wanted me to see!" Korra gave a confused look, "Who?"

"A guy with a beard. Is an Airbender."

"Oh... Tenzin." Korra said in a disapproval tone. I shrugged, "Well... My match is up-"

"You're doing the one on one?" Don't tell me I have to fight the Avatar! "Yes..." Afraid that I'll have to fight Korra. She smiled, "I wish you luck!" I hummed and then sighed after she patted my arm and walked away. I then walked up to the armor stand and started putting on the attire.

The Golden Haired Airbender Book 1Where stories live. Discover now