Chapter 1

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I've been on the streets for a while.It's been three years since my mother was murdered.

I walk down the streets of New York.I go to a mall close by.I sit down on a bench and look at the people around me.

I 'casually' look around.But really I'm looking for someone to steal from.

I see a guy with a bluetooth in a suit.

I walk up to him and distract him while getting closer to his pocket.

I pretend to trip and take his wallet from his pocket.

I get up and tell him goodbye.A girl nearby looks at me and screams"Hey!He took that man's wallet!"

The guy that I just took money from checks his pocket.When he see's that his wallet disappeared he looks up.

Before he could say anything I run.

But not before I see a guy that looks familiar.I look at him closely.

He has my black hair and golden eyes.He also looks to be an image.He looks at me and waves me over.

I run over to him trying to figure out why he looks familiar.

I walk down the alley that he walked into.

I see him at the dead end.I know I shouldn't be following strangers around in dark places but what do I have to lose.

He turns around.Half of his body shimmers again like an image.

He smiles at me.

I know that smile.It's the same one that I used to have before mom died.

It screams trouble maker.

With realization dawning at me.I stare at the man in front of me.


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