Chapter 3 // "Andie? Is that you?"

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Andie's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Are you freaking serious?! I ain't gonna transform into a guy! I never hoped that one day I will grow a wiener!" I stood up from the bench and eyed my friends.

"Ands! Chill! Okay? Do you want to do this for your brother or not?" 

Well,I do. Ugh! What choice do I even have?! I hate this idea.

"Okay,since I already know your answer. I'm gonna give you a dude makeover! Let's meet up at the pool lounge later after school." Paul squealed like a girl. Am I the only one who's not excited about this whole thing? I hate having smart friends. 

I don't want to lose my mousse brown colored hair. I don't wanna flatten my boobs! And I don't wanna have a manly voice. Because honestly,the last thing I wanna do is to be a boy. Well yeah I'm not girly. I like to play with a muddy ball all day. I don't wear heels. I don't wear skirts. But STILL! I love being a girl.

Besides,what's it like to be a guy anyway?!


During my last period which is history,I almost wanna throw up just thinking about the whole dude makeover. I mean,I wanna puke when I'm imagining my "guy look" Almost every 20 seconds I never fail to check out the clock. Oh gosh,it's almost 3:30. 

"Ms. Hastings,I am glad to inform you that you did great in our pop quiz yesterday! You got an A!" Miss Clarton cheerfully handed me my paper. Well,what can I say? I guess history's a piece of cake.

Atleast for me.

"Class,don't forget that next week will be our school's annual movie night. Be sure to bring your blankets and what not because it will occur in our open field. Class dismissed" 

Movie night. AT LAST! WE'RE DOING IT OUTSIDE! Every highschool student in our department have been waiting to take the movie night outside of our school's gymnasium. It's much exciting when it happens outside. You can just lay on the grass and watch the movie. Very much comfortable. 

As I was walking along the hallways. I fixed my denim jacket. Since when did the hem of my jacket had a cut? I love this jacket! "How did this happen?" my attention was focused on my jacket not knowing that I was close to bumping someone. 

And then all of a sudden,I felt like I was shot on the hipbone! I can feel a sudden jolt around my shoulder. What the actual fudge? "Ow!" I retorted. "Oh,I'm sorry." suddenly,I can feel huge hands holding my arm,helping me to stand up. I reached for my bag which is now on the floor and fixed my hair. "No,it's o--" before I can even continue my sentence I already saw the face of the one who bumped into me.

Which made my mood switch from nervous to furious. 

I didn't say a word,I just looked at him like he was a criminal. He raised an eyebrow and gave me the douche cough. "You're Chad's sister,right?" WELL DUH? "Can you tell your brother I'm sorry for beating the crap out of him?" he smiled,no,actually it was a smirk. "Thanks" he laughed a bit


When he was already 5 steps away from me,I followed his tracks and turned him around. "Wait,I wanna give you something as a form of apologizing for what happened." I smiled. 

If I was Duke,I'd better run. 

"What is it? Little...girl?" he managed to hold back a laugh. His friends were also chuckling behind him. Making me feel more furious and angry. Without furder ado,I punched his face. Gaining an "oooh" from the people in the hallway. 

"Next time,make sure you mean your sorry's! Asshole" I whispered near him. He was groaning and I hope I hit his good eye. That would make me feel pleasure.

Looking at my watch, I realized that I was already 8 minutes late for our meeting near the pool lounge. Here goes the nervous feeling.


"Where have you been? We've been waiting for like  10 minutes Ands!" Cass exclaimed. 

"Something happened but it was whatever. So,where are we headed?" I asked and the three of them gave me the perverted look. "You,my friend,are about to turn into a total guy!" Paul smirked.

Oh god.

"You're not gonna cut my hair short,are you?" I stepped back a bit and covered my hair with my hands. I really wouldn't want to cut my hair. This is like my temple. "Of course not! You're gonna put a wig on." Monique checked out some strands of my hair and smelled it. 

"And here's a good news! Duke's roommate already fled school property since he's gonna transfer to another school!" Monique cheered. What? Jordan's leaving? Wow. I didn't know that. "So?" I asked. But really though,what does Monique mean? "So..this is your opportunity to occupy the free space! That way,you can actually get closer to Duke!" Paul suddenly gave Monique a pat and smiled "I like that idea!" 

CAN I JUST FREAKING RECALL WHAT HAPPENED? I punched him because he was too full of himself and now I'm gonna be his roommate? I really can't see me and Duke being best buds or something. And besides,my dad won't allow me to move into dorms now. 

I love staying at home with my family. 

"No guys,just no." When I was about to leave,Cass yelled and said, "Andie Erin Hastings! Do you want us to call your dad for him to recall you about the greatness quote?!" Okay,that kept me hanging. Fine! I'll do it. I mean,it's for my brother. He has done a lot of sacrifices for me,so it wouldn't hurt to sacrifice a little for him,right? 

"Fine! I'll do it. But only because I love my brother." i added.

"Good! And now,it's payback time baby!" Paul said as if he's quoting a movie line.


It's already 4pm and we're at the mall,specifically in a salon where Paul used to work during spring break. "Relax Ands,I got you." Paul reassured me. I trust my friends. It's just that I am really not pleased with this idea. I really have a feeling that chaos will happen and believe me when I have that feeling.

"Let the makeover begin!" 

First,we tried out different sorts of wig until we found one that suits me well and made me totally look like a guy. Second,they let me put on this boob flattener or whatever you call it. I think it's called breast binders? And trust me,it felt like my boobs are getting squished. AND OWW! Third,they taught me how to strut. It didn't work for me so we decided that I'll just walk like a normal person does,but less girlier. And lastly,they bought me guy clothes. 


"Andie! You can come out now. Let us see the man that you are" the three of them giggled while I was inside the fitting room. Hmm I had to admit,I look like my brother when I'm a guy. 

As soon as I finished fixing my wig,I walked out of the fitting room and all of a sudden Monique and Cass run towards me,screaming like crazy fangirls,"Ohmygod! You look hot as a guy Andie!" 

"Andie? Is that you?" Paul dramatically wiped the fake tears out of his eyes and walked towards me.

"Our friend turned from pretty to handsome! I'm so proud of what I've made you Ands!" Paul hugged me which caused my boobs to get squished even more. "Oww! Paul! Be careful on the boobs! They're sensitive! They have feelings too,you know." I punched him on his arm. 

"Wow,that punch was pretty hard. You're really being a guy right now!" They laughed which caused me to wonder if this would actually work because I'm freaking out. I feel like every person who sees me,knows my real identity or something. 

"Now all we gotta do is contact our school's dorm manager and assign you to be Duke Orsino's roommate!" Cass took her phone out from her pocket and dialed our school's phone number.

"Duke Orsino,be ready for major payback" I whispered.



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