"Draco?" i mustered, before my eyelids closed shut, and everything went black.  

The pain was unbearable.  Every part of my body hurt.  My legs, my arms, my stomach, my throat, my hands, my feet, and even my head.  A humongous headache was being produced, and i felt like i was going to throw up.  My eyelids were heavy as i tried to open them.  All i saw was whiteness.  Rubbing my forehead, i sat up.  My other hand was placed on the ground, as i realized i was laying on the ground.  Whiteness surrounded me.  My eyes were barely open, for the white was too bright, but i tried my best to keep my eyes open.  Slowly, i stood up, gripping my head.

"Hello?" i croaked out.  No answer.  My feet eventually started to work, and i limped forward.  

"Hello?" i croaked out again.  Still no answer.  I sighed, bringing my hands to my side.  I was alone.  I started to turn around myself, to see if there was anything, or anyone around.  Off in the distance i spotted a blue envelope.  I laughed, and limped over to the envelope.  My hands trembled as i bent over to get the card.  Slowly, i opened it.

Dear Miss Hermione Jean Granger

We are quite fond of you, if you haven't noticed.  Our facility has saved you from many incidents, and i am afraid to announce this may be the last time we can save you.  I am actually really fond of you and your friends so much that i have persuaded my friends and family to help you and your friends once more.  We have provided you a safe haven, but only you can control it.  You can chose wherever you want it to appear, if you want the safe haven in America, all you have to do is say the spell.  If you want the safe haven to be in Asia, so be it.  All you have to say is 'metalaus" which means it will transport you to this safe haven.  All you have to do to move the safe haven is to just imagine it, and no one will ever be able to find you.  If you need help running away from the Dark Lords followers?  It would be impossible for them to find you, this place is only among us, those who please the Gods.

I stared at the table, confused.  Was this the safe haven?  I looked around, wondering how i could improve the place.  I looked back at the paper, and continued to read it.  

If you are unhappy about the looks and wish to change it up for your likings, summon us.  To summon us, raise your wand and repeat 'The Prince of Enchanters'.  Good day Miss Hermione Jean Granger

I was dumbfounded.  Yes, i did hate the way this placed looks.  Swallowing my fear, i raised my wand as best as i could.

"The Prince of Enchanters" i whispered over and over.  By the time i said it the fourth time, a bright light appeared in front of me.  I gasped before it even showed who was creating the light.

"Merlin," i muttered, realizing something.  Standing in front of me was Merlin himself.

"Smart girl, Miss Granger," Merlin smiled, and i immediately bowed.  He sighed.

"There is no need to bow Miss Granger.  So, how may i assist you?" Merlin stated.  I smiled, ready to tell him exactly how i wanted to shape my safe haven.  

There were loud sobs.  I heard his soft voice, and i smiled.  

"Hermione... hermione... mione..." his voice repeated.  I felt his face pressed against my stomach, and i sighed.  My eyes shot open, and in front of me was Draco and Rose Malfoy, with a sobbing Ron, and a very angry Harry punching the ground.  

"Guys... what are you doing?" i croaked out loud.  Everyone froze.  Ron slowly looked up, and Harry lifted his hand, but paused to look at me.  Rose lifted her head up off of the ground, for she was just laying there.  Draco lifted his head off of my chest, and stared into my eyes.  His face was tear stained, and got up off of me completely.  Everyone just stared at me.  In the corner of my eyes i saw Hagrid standing there.

Simply Annoying//// DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now