Chapter 13 - The 'Friend'

Start from the beginning

"You want play on the xbox?" I look between both Noah and my mom.

"We can play that one," my mom jumps to start the console.

"Yeah. I missed you so much," Noah lets out a chuckle pulling a controller and blanket up towards himself.

We played one of my mom's favorites, but that's to the fact that it is the only one she knows how to play. She twiddles her thumbs and sticks out her tongue attempting to maneuver her character. Noah and I, not struggling, laugh at her as we have no problem completing our task. "Stop laughing at your dear old mother. It isn't funny," she stutters barely beating the game, "Yes!"

"I let you win," I confidently state.

"Whatever you nearly pissed yourself trying," Noah inputs.

Although the criticism, I loved that he was here. After so long, I felt I had a real friend.

Next morning, I run out of my room recalling Noah, the sweetest boy to ever live, was sleeping just on the other side of the door. I peer around the corner, carefully, to see Noah laid out on the air mattress we set out. I, being the not-so-sweet person, jump on top of him. Nearly popping the thing, Noah groans, twisting and turning until his eyes eventually readjusts themselves to the harsh light coming between the curtains. "Good morning, aren't you ready?" I yell, struggling to get him out from under the plethora of blankets and pillows.

"For what?" he groans only using one eye to look beyond his cover.

"Anything, other than this house. Caroline's. I got money for the bistro. Or... The movie theater. I think Jumanji came out. No, Yes," I shrug giving him a suggestive look.

"Give me like five minutes," he shuts his eyes and moves to what I think is his original position.

"Uh," I fling myself up, "I missed you, too," I say sarcastically.

I run my fingers through the golden mess I call hair and stomp my way downstairs. I drag the refrigerator door open to be bombarded by nausea. The smell of lunch meat, eggs, and god knows what else.

I was going to vomit. The toilet seconds too far, as I let whatever sat in my stomach. I felt more relieved, the pressure from my abdomen was replaced with comfort. Now, I have to clean it up. Yah.

After picking it up and mastering the art of cooking oatmeal,I get ready for the movie theater and impatiently stare at Noah.

"What?" He scrunches up his face, pulling a shirt over his face.

"Nothing," I smile.

"You're annoying. You know that?"

"Just a little. You take forever," I exaggerate.

Completely ignoring me he takes another look at his phone, "You feeling better? Wouldn't want you to throw up all over me at the movies," he smirks

"How considerate, but yeah it's the food. It smells terrible."

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. Ryder.

"Yes," I say pulling the phone up to my ear.

"I'm free. Wondering if you want to do something," Ryder slightly whispers.

"I'm busy, but..." I take the phone far from my ear and mouth, "Is it okay if Ryder comes?"

Noah is quick to shake his head. I'm furrow my brows unsure why Noah is being so difficult. "Sorry, can't right now."


"Probably not," I respond. One thing Ryder can always do is make me feel guilty; although I'm not sure why.

"Oh, well what are you up to?"

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