“I think your mind is going to dark places.”
            “Pur-lease, my mind is always in dark places,” I informed him and he chuckled. “So do you want to spend the night with your beautiful girlfriend or not?”

            “You called yourself my girlfriend,” Liam stated and I just shrugged.

            “Aren’t we at that stage of our relationship?” I asked.

            “Yes, I just thought you would be difficult about it. You don’t seem as the relationship kind of girl.”

            “You know, I’m really not but there’s something about you that has me calling you mine. So you’re my boyfriend.”

            “And what if I don’t want to be your boyfriend?”

            “Do you have a fever or something? I mean look at me, I’m gorgeous, talented, hot body that I work damn hard for-”

            “Tell that to the two pieces of chocolate cake you had for breakfast,” Liam scoffed.

            “I am on vacation! I am allowed to have a few cheat days,” I informed him before continuing, “I’m pretty and I’m good at kissing.”

            “You forgot about your dazzling personality,” Liam said sarcastically and I laughed but elbowed him in the stomach.

            “I never said it was easy to love me but the good at kissing thing makes up for my crappy personality.”

            “I don’t care if you’re good at kissing. I like you for you,” Liam said and I smiled.

            “I like you for you too,” I said and I turned my head to place a kiss on his cheek but he turned his head at the last second so I ended up kissing his mouth. “Sneaky,” I said amused.

            “You know you love it,” he winked and wagged his eyebrows and I laughed and hit his arm playfully. “Wait ‘til tonight,” he said and he thrusted playfully in his seat and made my laugh trickle out louder and happier.

            “You are such a dork,” I laughed.

            “Who are you calling a dork?” Liam asked me with a funny facial expression that was quite unflattering that made me laugh harder. “Okay that’s it,” Liam said and he started tickling me around my tummy so that I thrashed around in my seat being restrained by the seatbelt and laughed so hard I cried.

Yes, I’d never been happier.


            “Tell me everything but before you do I just want to say I told you so!” Beth squealed as I laughed and fell onto her bed casually. It had been a couple hours since I’d gotten off the plane with Liam and of course Beth hunted me down to ask for all the details so I parted with Liam and Beth dragged me to her cabin. It was unnaturally clean as usual. The bed was neatly made – the sheets were so tight that a coin would bounce off of it – and no stray clothes littered the furniture or floor, it was all packed neatly into her closest. A complete opposite of my own cabin, which looked as though a tornado had just swept through it.

            “Okay! I admit it! You told me so!” I said and even if I wanted to I couldn’t get the stupid grin off of my face. Apparently smiling was a side effect of being happy. Who knew it felt so good to smile because you were happy?

            “Awe! Look at you! You’re completely smitten!” Beth cooed. “So how did it happen? You haven’t slept with him have you?”

Delinquent Daisy (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now