(Not a real chapter but read anyways)

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A/n. Sadly, this whole chapter never happened in the actual story line, but hey, read it anyways. I've got about half of the next chapter done so it'll be out in a few days!!
Tom, Tord, Edd, Matt, and Ringo all sit on the couch. It's extremely cramped but that's ok. Tom sits like a normal human being, reading an actual paper book. Edd sits next to his blue hooded friend, happily watching tv as he plays with the fluffy, strawberry brown hair that poofs out from Matt's head. He lays across his two roommates, head on Edd's lap and legs across Toms. Tord, angry about being left out, lays across the top of the couch like a cat while on his phone. Ringo lays in a ball on his squish butt.
Best character lets out a bubbly laugh tainted with his thick Norwegian accent.
"Oh god, is he looking at hentai again?" Asks Tom.
"Yeah, probably" Matt replied, turning to face the tv.
"Definitely." Adds Edd
"I am not!" Blushed Tord, "I'm just reading fanfic on whattpad..."
"What's pad?" Asks Matt.
"He said Whattpad."
"So... it is hentai?"
"NO!" Tord shouts, his face now as red as his hoodie. She shows the three his phone, it's on a weird site littered with homestucks, eddheads, people from literally every fandom.
"That's a lot of trash." Mumbles Tom.
"Yup." Replies Edd, popping open a can of cola that was for some reason hidden in his hoodie pocket. But what else is new honestly.
"How can you find the good stories though?" Asks Matt
"You can't!" Smiles Tord.
"Well, what do you like to read then?" Asks Edd between chugging his cola.
"I like reading stories from an account called Narwitch !" Tord continues to smile. Tord cannot stop smiling..
"Who care-" Tom is interrupted by Tord kicking him in the back of the head. Tom blacks the fuck out.
"That'll keep him quiet." Says Tord, still fucking smiling mind you.
"What do they post Tord?" Matt Asks in amazement.
"What do they post? I uh- nothing at the moment.... but later they'll post the best fucking shit you'll ever read!"
"Like what??!!"
"Like TomMatt! And other shit! Lots of other shit!"
"Like what??!!"
"I don't know, that's not on my script."
While Tord and Matt have been promoting an account, Edd has been looking though the #Eddsworld on Whattpad for F R E E.
"Hey you two, look what I found!" Smiled Edd as he taps on a story.
"What is it?" Tord and Matt ask in unison.
"It's a fanfic called "Feathers" by someone called @sh-" Edd is cut off by Tord shooting his phone, it falls to the floor.
"My phone!" Edd cries
"Shhhhhh, you're safe from knowing the truth." Tord whispers.
"What truth??"
Instead of answering Tord and Matt look at the camera blankly.
"Guys seriously wh

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