5: NICK & BARRON -RUNWAY BOYS (part two)

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PHOTO - Manhattan townhouse

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PHOTO - Manhattan townhouse


Nick pulled Barron close to him protectively and glared at the cop.

"What the fuck you pointing that gun at us for?" he growled. "It's obvious what we're doing. We ain't hurtin' anybody."

"Nick, take it easy," Barron hissed. "Do not get the policeman angry. We will end up in jail. I have the show tomorrow!"

The cop snorted at Nick with a raise of his brows. "Like I could tell what you're doing from out there? Could've been somebody getting beat up back here, for all I know."

Nick shook his head impatiently. "That's not what getting beat up sounds like!"

Barron squeezed Nick's arm in alarm. "Please! Be nice. Maybe he'll let us go."

Struggling to control himself, Nick had to bite his tongue to stop. They'd been having such a good time, so hot and sexy and, fuck it all to hell, he was goddamn freaking in love. Or maybe just totally in lust, but it had been ridiculously wonderful. And the cop's sudden intrusion had spiked up anger in him like a rocket ship taking off for the moon. He knew that the cops seldom ticketed anyone for fooling around in the park in this part of town, but Barron was right. It was a crime what they'd been doing, one that could result in a fine and even jail time.

Yes, it definitely was better if he didn't piss off the cop.

He huffed out a pent-up breath and asked the officer in a much calmer voice, "Can I pull my pants up?"

The cop nodded with a smirk. "Sure. Be my guest. If you're all finished."

Nick narrowed his eyes. It was bad enough the dude had bothered them while they were making out, now he had to be a smart aleck too? Finished? It was on the tip of his tongue to ask, what the fuck do you mean by that? But he didn't want to worry Barron and he was standing there with a big boner, so he just scowled in frustration and bent over to pull up his pants and briefs. He could have spit nails he was so annoyed.

Barron was watching the officer and checking him out head to toe as Nick pulled back up and adjusted his belt. It was obvious that the cop was enjoying watching Nick in his discomfort. There was an eager smile on the man's handsome face. He was bigger than them, older, but nicely built and extremely attractive in his form-fitting uniform. The policemen back in Budapest were very friendly and helpful, but Barron had read lots of news stories about American cops and how violent they could be, how many of the citizens feared them.

But this fellow, now that he was over his initial shock at finding them in such a compromising situation, Barron was thinking, didn't look at all like he was someone to be feared.

He whispered to Nick, "I think he likes you. Look how he is checking you out."

Nick notched his belt and pulled it tight. He'd noticed the cop's change in attitude and the way the man was looking at him now, like he was trying to memorize every swell and curve of his body.

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