Chapter 29: Sora's Sacrifice

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Chapter 29

Piri's POV

We ran up some stairs and a barrier stopped Goofy and Donald as we reached the top. There I spotted a woman with pink hair.

"Light!" I ran to her side, "Light, I'm here."

"Sis, I found Kairi!" I looked over there and Sora gently shook her. "Kairi... Kairi! Open your eyes!"

"It's no use." We looked up to see Riku sitting just above the keyhole. "Both of them lost their heart and cannot wake up."

"What?" Sora didn't understand what happened yet.

"You... you're not Riku!" I yelled at him.

"The keyhole cannot become completed, so as long as the last princess of heart still sleeps. Even If she does, it is protected... by her." he pointed at me.

"Don't you dare touch me... whoever you are." I growled, "We won't let you take Kai, either!"

"Wait, Kairi's a princess?" Sora asked.

"Yes, and without her power the keyhole will incomplete. It's time for her to awaken."

"Hold on, you said I'm protecting the keyhole. You can't get to it that way!" I smirked and he scoffed.

"Whoever you are, let Riku go!" Sora demanded.

"Yeah, you don't own him! Give him his heart back!" I glared.

"But first you must give back the princess her heart back." he said and Sora's chest glowed. He fell to knees, groaning. I gasped at this.


"Let's not forget that weak-heart sister over there... right, princess?" I looked at Lightning. Her heart was inside me. "And Sora... don't you see? The

princess's heart is responding. It has been there all along. Kairi's heart rest within you."

"Kairi... Kairi's inside me?" he looked back at her.

"How did you know we had their heart?" I asked, looking back at Light and held her hand.

"I know all that there is to know." Riku said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"It is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness!" Ansem? But that was the name of my... my...

My head started to hurt as I saw images of my grandpa came to mind. He had platinum blonde hair and orange eyes. I used to call him Grandpa Ice Cream because he would buy me, Lea, and Isa some Ice cream.

When I got back to reality, the imposter raised his keyblade and brought it down.

"Sora!" I heard Kairi's voice and he looked up and blocked the blade just in time. I sighed with relief.

"Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!" he pushed the blade back. I let of Light's hand and stood by Sora's side.

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